Music (MUS)


MUS 101. Vocal Music Ensemble. 1 Hour.

Study and practice of vocal ensemble literature and performance techniques. Preparation of materials for concert performance. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 10 hours. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Visual, Creative, and Performing Arts.

MUS 105. Instrumental Music Ensemble. 1 Hour.

Study and practice of instrumental ensemble literature and performance techniques. Preparation of materials for concert performance. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 10 hours. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Visual, Creative, and Performing Arts.

MUS 111. Fundamentals of Music Theory. 3 Hours.

An introduction to the fundamental elements or Western Classical Art music with a brief review of historic style periods. No prerequisites needed except an interest in music. Course Information: This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Visual, Creative, and Performing Arts.

MUS 121. Music Appreciation. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to introduce the student to Western Art Music. Students will learn about the elements of music, and listen to, read about, discuss, and write about the musical composers, genres, and styles of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern Periods. Course Information: This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Visual, Creative, and Performing Arts (Fine Arts - IAI Code: F1 900).

MUS 131. Beginning Class Guitar. 3 Hours.

This course offers class instruction in guitar to students with little or no previous training. It includes fundamentals of reading, technique, and creative activities; study and performance of simple solo and ensemble repertoire. Course Information: This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Visual, Creative, and Performing Arts.

MUS 133. Beginning Class Piano. 3 Hours.

This course offers class instruction in piano to students with little or no pervious training. It includes fundamentals of reading, technique, and creative activities; study and performance of simple solo and ensemble repertoire. Course Information: This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Visual, Creative, and Performing Arts.

MUS 141. Individual Music Lessons I. 1,2 Hour.

Individualized instructions in voice or an instrument for students at the beginning to intermediate level, Individual instructors provide training in fundamentals of reading, technique, and appropriate level repertoire. Course Information: Additional course fees apply. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours.

MUS 151. Arts & Identity: Japan & U.S.. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the arts of Japan and the US, exploring relationships between the arts and the socio-cultural issues, including the importance of the arts in religious, political and popular rituals. Interdisciplinary focus on points at which artistic traditions are related/have common themes. Course Information: Same as ART 151 and SOA 151. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Comparative Societies Humanities.

MUS 181. Introduction to Music Technology. 3 Hours.

This course offers hands on experience with a broad variety of computer music software, and is open to students of all levels of knowledge and experience, supporting UIS' commitment to both traditional and nontraditional learners. Course Information: This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Visual, Creative, and Performing Arts.

MUS 191. Musics of the World. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to introduce students to the diversities and commonalities of music cultures from around the world. Course Information: Same as SOA 191. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Comparative Societies Humanities.

MUS 239. ECCE: Black Music in American Culture. 3 Hours.

This course has been designed to acquaint the student with the major issues and trends related to understanding the historical experiences of African American people in this country, through the study of the styles of music created by African Americans in the twentieth century: the blues, jazz, gospel, rhythm and blues, and rock and roll. Course Information: Same as AAS 239. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of U.S. Communities.

MUS 261. Introduction to Music Education. 3 Hours.

Introduces students to theories and practices fundamental to the discipline of music education with special attention to philosophical and practical approaches to music teaching and learning. Primary course outcomes include developing basic music skills and learning to incorporate music into diverse curricula. Course Information: Same as TEP 261. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Visual, Creative, and Performing Arts.

MUS 281. Music, Technology, and Culture. 3 Hours.

Course develops music listening, analysis, and compositional skills and familiarizes students with music technology in a broad array of historical and geographical musical environments. Students create an original instrument, compose and perform a work for the new instrument and computer, and explain choices made during this creative process. Course Information: Same as SOA 281. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Visual, Creative, and Performing Arts.

MUS 301. Advanced Vocal Music Ensemble. 1-2 Hours.

Study and practice of vocal ensemble literature and performance techniques. Preparation of materials for concert performance. Course Information: Demonstration of advanced musicianship skills and a leadership role within the ensemble is expected. May be repeated to a maximum of 10 hours. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area Visual, Creative, and Performing Arts.

MUS 305. Advanced Instrumental Ensemble. 1-2 Hours.

Study and practice of instrumental ensemble literature and performance techniques. Preparation of materials for concert performance. Course Information: Demonstration of advanced musicianship skills and a leadership role within the ensemble is expected. May be repeated to a maximum of 10 hours. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area Visual, Creative, and Performing Arts.

MUS 319. ECCE: Music and Social Justice. 4 Hours.

This course provides a forum for students to engage with social justice issues through music. With a combined geographical and topical approach, students examine the role of music in various social justice movements and develop a vocabulary to discuss music as a medium for change in various cultural contexts. Course Information: Same as SOA 319. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Global Awareness.

MUS 334. Entrepreneurship in the Arts. 3 Hours.

Intro to the theory and practice of entrepreneurship as it is related to the fine arts. Offers students an essential understanding of how creative thinking can contribute to the entrepreneurial process and how entrepreneurial skills can contribute to the building of an artistic career. Course Information: Same as BUS 334, ART 334, and THE 334. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Visual, Creative, and Performing Arts.

MUS 335. Jazz in American Culture. 4 Hours.

Explores development of jazz as a popular art form, the influence of American culture (e.g., race, class, gender relations, religion and moralism, and the dominance of commercial values) on the shape of this art form, its performance and enjoyment, and the reciprocal influence of jazz on American culture. Course Information: Same as SOA 335. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

MUS 341. Individual Music Lessons II. 1,2 Hour.

Individual instruction in voice or an instrument for students at the advanced level. Individual instructors provide training in reading, technique, and appropriate level repertoire. Course Information: Additional course fees apply. May be repeated to maximum of 12 hours. Prerequisites: performance audition and permission of instructor.

MUS 367. ECCE: Arts and Identity in Pacific Island Cultures. 4 Hours.

Explores the concept of identity in Pacific/Oceania Island cultures through arts. Topics: indigenous and colonial history and relationships; traditional music, dance, visual arts, and seamanship; diversity among island cultures; contemporary Oceanic arts/artists within a global society. Course Information: Same as ART 367, CAP 257, and SOA 367. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Global Awareness.

MUS 380. Topics in Music. 2-4 Hours.

This course is an intensive study of a current topic in music, music history, music theory, music composition, musicology, or ethnomusicology. Description of topics for a given course will be stated in the course schedule.

MUS 419. ECCE: American Musics. 4 Hours.

Students from all backgrounds learn to use research tools developed by anthropologists, musicologists, folklorists, linguists, historians and others to cultivate an understanding and appreciation of musical styles, aesthetic views, and socio-cultural functions of music in differing U.S. sub-cultures. Course Information: Same as SOA 419. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of U.S. Communities.

MUS 499. Tutorial. 1-12 Hours.

Intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or her. Independent Study. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours with approval.