Liberal and Integrative Studies (LNT)


LNT 501. Graduate Colloquium. 4 Hours.

To be taken as the first course after acceptance as a conditional LNT student. Serves as an introduction to the individual option program and focuses on the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to become a self-directed, autonomous learner. Students design effective learning experiences, organize learning resources, and design a graduate curriculum.

LNT 521. Liberal & Integrative Studies. 3 Hours.

To be taken as the final course prior to closure project. Application of the principles of integration. Students prepare a paper relating learning experiences to common themes or issues and design a master's project or thesis. Course Information: Credit/No Credit grading only. Prerequisites: LNT 501.

LNT 550. Master's Project. 4-8 Hours.

A closure project or thesis (see LNT 560) required of all M.A. candidates to demonstrate accomplishment and mastery of a chosen area of study. The project is an application of theories and concepts and often involves an off-campus activity. The purpose of the project may be to create a useful and/or aesthetic product that can meet a need for a particular audience outside the university. Project must include a supplemental academic essay. NOTE: If the project is not completed by the time eight hours are accrued in continuing enrollment, students must register for LNT 551 for zero credit hours (one billable hour) in all subsequent semesters until the project is completed. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Prerequisites: LNT 521.

LNT 551. Master's Project Continuing Enrollment. 0 Hours.

Refer to NOTE in course description for LNT 550. Course Information: May be repeated.

LNT 560. Thesis. 4-8 Hours.

Closure project (see LNT 550) or thesis required of all M.A. candidates to demonstrate accomplishment and mastery of a chosen area of study. The thesis is a major quantitative or qualitative research and writing project based in one of the academic disciplines in the student's course of study. NOTE: If the thesis is not completed by the time eight hours are accrued in continuing enrollment, students must register for LNT 561 for zero credit hours (one billable hour) in all subsequent semesters until the project is completed. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Prerequisites: LNT 521.

LNT 561. Thesis Continuing Enrollment. 0 Hours.

Refer to NOTE in course description for LNT 560. Course Information: May be repeated.

LNT 580. Individual Field Project. 1-12 Hours.

To be taken as described in individual degree proposals. Experiential learning project must be directly applicable to the student's degree proposal. Field experience journal and formal presentation of project results may be required. Requires an independent study contract with a faculty adviser. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours. Prerequisites: LNT 501 and committee approval of degree proposal.

LNT 599. Independent Study: Tutorial. 1-12 Hours.

To be taken as described in individual degree proposals. Readings or research on trends and current issues in the student's area of study. In consultation with faculty, students define topics integral to satisfying their self-assessed learning needs. Requires an independent study contract with a faculty adviser. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours. Prerequisites: LNT 501 and committee approval of degree proposal.