Internships and Prior Learning (IPL)


IPL 200. ECCE: Learning and Serving in the Community. 3 Hours.

Service-learning fulfills this role by providing an academically sponsored learning experience that gives all UIS degree seeking undergraduate students an opportunity to integrate learning, experience and reflection in the context of community service, which recognizes the social responsibility of the individual within the larger community. This is a participatory action course that will offer an opportunity to explore the student's assumptions, values and beliefs. Course Information: This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Engagement Experience.

IPL 201. ECCE: Learning and Serving the Environment. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on environmental issues while encouraging students to take personal action to protect the environment. Students will become familiar with the concepts of service learning and environmental protection through seminars and the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a semester long service project that meets a community need. Course Information: This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Engagement Experience.

IPL 202. ECCE: Service-Learning Immersion. 3 Hours.

This course combines relevant and meaningful service with the community, enhanced academics, learning and purposeful civic learning. Students have an opportunity to work with a non-profit partner organization chosen by the instructor. This course is a unique learning opportunity that pairs sociological theory with community service. Through this course students are constantly making the link between "lived" experiences in the community and concepts and theories presented in this and other classes. Course Information: This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Engagement Experience.

IPL 204. ECCE: Learning and Serving - Hunger and Homelessness. 3 Hours.

Students have an opportunity to work with a non-profit organization that focuses on hunger and homelessness issues and provide much needed assistance. Through this course, students are constantly making the link between "lived" experiences in the community and the concepts and theories presented in this and other courses. Course Information: This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Engagement Experience.

IPL 210. Introduction to Leadership Theory and Practice. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to inspire, teach and engage students in the process of leadership learning. Students will learn leadership theory and come to understand their unique role in leadership on campus, in their academic discipline, in their community, within our larger society and global world. Although the course is focused on learning and understanding leadership theory, students will have an opportunity to develop skills necessity to be effective in the leadership process and practice these skills within their community. The course will be highly interactive with student participation and outside class involvement as critical components to the learning process.

IPL 300. ECCE: Internship Applied Learning. 2-12 Hours.

An option under the University Requirement and under the Engagement Experience category (3 hours) of the curriculum. An individualized field experience providing students with the opportunity to apply theory, expand knowledge, determine additional learning needs, explore careers, and develop a public awareness and an appreciation of diversity. A required seminar is the academic component that provides a theoretical basis for learning and integrating the field experience. Course Information: Credit/No credit grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours with approval under University Requirement only. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of ECCE Engagement Experience.

IPL 301. ECCE: Project Applied Learning. 2-12 Hours.

An option under the University Requirements (2 to 8 hours). An option under the Engagement Experience category (3 hours) of the curriculum. A course available to students interested in developing individual projects (i.e., travel, creative works, foreign study, entrepreneurial opportunities, and research). A student doing a project must be supervised by a UIS faculty member or "community expert." (Available only online.) Course Information: Credit/No Credit grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours with approval under University Requirement only. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of ECCE Engagement Experience.

IPL 304. ECCE: Leadership in the Homeless Community. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to promote experiential learning for the UIS student while advancing the institution's mission of providing a sound basis for informed and concerned citizens. Course Information: This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the areas of Engagement Experience.

IPL 305. ECCE: Undergraduate Prior Learning Portfolio Development. 3-6 Hours.

An option under the UIS Requirements. Designed to assist learners in identifying, articulating, and documenting learning acquired outside the traditional classroom. Includes the development of a portfolio containing narrative requests for credit describing specific areas of learning and the documentation verifying those claims. Course Information: Credit/No Credit grading only. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Engagement Experience.

IPL 306. ECCE: Working for Women: Service-Learning and Gender Inequality. 3 Hours.

Through relevant and meaningful community work (60 hour semester-long service project) and critical academic reading, analysis, and discussion, this course explores the reasons behind and consequences of the continued lack of gender equality at local, national, and global levels. Students will make "real life" connections between theory and practice. Course Information: This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Engagement Experience.

IPL 312. ECCE:Perspective on Poverty. 3 Hours.

A service-learning course in which students gain an understanding of major sociological and anthropological theories and methodologies related to poverty. Students will participate in at least 60 hours of community service during the course of the semester with a non-profit organization in Springfield. Course Information: Same as SOA 312. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Engagement Experience.

IPL 325. ECCE: Charity to Change. 3 Hours.

Focusing on the role of citizens in government in producing systemic social change contrasting public policy and private responses. Students will be assigned to an issue action team that will research an assigned issue and design and implement an action plan to affect a desired public policy goal. Course Information: This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Engagement Experience.

IPL 361. Social Responsibility and Leadership Development Capstone. 3 Hours.

This course is an interactive, dynamic theory to practice course focused on learning leadership knowledge, skills, and values in individual and partnership contexts. The capstone course builds upon the leadership literature, theory, and experience foundation created in the previous courses. The capstone course, students will learn advanced theory and come to understand their unique role creating change in their chosen profession and our larger society. Systematic reflection on applied social and leadership issues and strategies as an important component of this course. Course Information: Prerequisites: IPL 210, IPL 362, and an approved Service-Learning course.

IPL 362. ECCE: Social Change and Leadership. 3 Hours.

This course will look at the topics of leadership and social change. Students enrolled in this course will be oriented to the concept of social change and leadership through participation in discussions and a semester-long service project. Students will plan and implement a project to meet a community need. Critical reflection on these experiences through online discussion and journaling will enhance the experiential learning. Course Information: This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Engagement Experience.

IPL 499. Tutorial. 1-12 Hours.

Intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or her.

IPL 501. Graduate Prior Learning Portfolio Development. 4 Hours.

Designed to assist learners in identifying, articulating, and documenting learning acquired outside the traditional classroom. Includes the development of a portfolio containing narrative requests for credit describing specific areas of learning and the documentation verifying those claims. Course Information: Credit/No Credit grading only.