Teacher Education
Contact Information
Website: www.uis/education
Email: education@uis.edu
Office Phone: (217) 206-6682
Office Location: BRK 374
Becoming a teacher is more than a career choice; it's a commitment to making a lasting difference in both individual lives and the broader community. Teachers have the extraordinary ability to shape young minds, instilling values and skills that students carry with them for life. They are pivotal in building a more informed, empathetic, and just society. In doing so, teachers don't just educate; they empower future generations to contribute positively to society, innovate, and drive change. The ripple effect of a teacher's work can transform communities, bridge divides, and inspire a better future, making teaching one of the most impactful professions.
There are numerous paths to becoming a teacher in the state of Illinois. The UIS School of Education offers programs that prepare students for Illinois Licensure and the elementary (grades 1-6) middle (grades 5-8) or secondary levels (grades 9-12).
The Elementary Education major is available for students interested in teaching 1st though 6th grades. Elementary majors do not need to a select a specific content area. The elementary program is hybrid with most courses being offered online and methods courses only being available in person, which are typically taken during the two semesters before student teaching.
Middle Grades
Students interested in teaching Middle Grades 5th-8th may complete the program with a focus in Language Arts, History, Mathematics, or Science. The middle grades program is an online program that may require coming to campus once a semester for required workshops.
Students wishing to teach in 9th-12th grades may complete the Secondary Education degree program in English, History, or Mathematics, or may complete a minor in Secondary Teachers Education while concurrently completing a major in an appropriate academic content area (Biology, Chemistry, English, History, Mathematics, Political Science, or Sociology/Anthropology). Completing a minor in secondary teacher education will require more than 120 credit hours and may take longer than 4 years to complete. The secondary program is an online program that may require coming to campus once a semester for required workshops.
Licensure only
Those who have already completed baccalaureate degrees in appropriate academic content areas may also complete the sequence of course work (for either elementary, middle, or secondary licensure).
Information and policies that govern and direct a candidate’s progress through their program are provided at the point of initial advising, through orientation, during course work on Canvas, and on the School of Education website. Candidates are expected to work closely with their advisor. Students interested in becoming licensed as a teacher or adding an endorsement for their license, should meet with a School of Education advisor to determine a plan of study.
Clinical Experiences and Student Teaching
Clinical experiences are key in preparing students to become effective teachers. Each elementary methods course requires 20-30 hours of field experience. Each secondary and middle level methods courses requires 20-40 hours of field experience. At least one of the field experiences will be completed in a school that is considered diverse in ethnicity, race, or socioeconomic status, or other placements deemed appropriate by the School of Education. School placements for 400 level TEP course work are assigned by the School of Education.
Student teaching occurs during the final semester after all academic and licensure requirements have been satisfied. Candidates must apply for student teaching within a prescribed timeframe. At the time of application, candidates must meet the GPA requirements (C- or higher in all TEP course work; 2.50 cumulative GPA). Candidates are assigned by the School of Education to a school setting for their student placement. University personnel and school-based cooperating teachers supervise student teachers throughout the semester. The Illinois State Board of Education requires that candidates pass a content exam in order to be recommended for teacher licensure.
General Education Requirements for All Candidates
Candidates in teacher education are expected to possess general education knowledge, including knowledge related to the arts, communications, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, sciences, and the social sciences, from multicultural and global perspectives. Candidates in Teacher Education at UIS may be required to meet general education requirements beyond those of the University and should consult with a School of Education advisor in order to fulfill these requirements.
Grading Policy
Students must have a cumulative 2.5 GPA overall and a 3.0 GPA in TEP and content area required course work to enroll in 400-level TEP courses and to be eligible for licensure. Grades C- or higher is required for all TEP and content area required course work. Grades lower than C- in required TEP and content area courses must be repeated.
The School of Education entitles candidates for a Professional Educator License upon completion of several criteria. These criteria include general education requirements set by the School of Education, all other program requirements, passing scores on the appropriate Illinois Licensure Testing System content exam, a performance assessment, and satisfaction of any additional requirements outlined by the Illinois State Board of Education, which has sole authority for awarding or denying Professional Educator License (PEL).
Retention in TEP Programs
Teacher candidates must maintain an overall 2.5 GPA and a 3.0 GPA in TEP and licensure required course work. Additionally, they must also successfully complete field experiences required for each methods course. Candidate progress is evaluated throughout programs according to GPA, professional teaching standards, dispositions, and other factors. Candidates not meeting these criteria may be removed from or counseled out of their program or may be required to complete remediation at the discretion of the School of Education.
School Goals and Objectives
Exhibit a deep understanding of subject matter, embrace the latest technological advancements, and showcase advanced pedagogical skills, all while integrating restorative practices and cultural responsiveness into teaching across various content areas and grade levels.
2. Create a nurturing and safe learning space that creates a sense of belonging and ensures every student feels valued and respected.
3. Design and deliver dynamic instruction, enriched with relevant technology, to foster an engaging learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of all students, while emphasizing cultural responsiveness in every aspect of teaching.
4. Uphold the highest standards of professional ethics.
5. Partner, collaborate, and engage with families and/or communities to develop relationships and build networks of support for student success.
6. Actively advocate for students, families, and schools to support equity and social justice.
7. Apply research-driven strategies to improve teaching methods and student learning outcomes, focusing on practices that promote equity in the classroom.
The UIS School of Education is deeply committed to redefining education as a transformative force for the betterment of individuals, communities, organizations, and the broader society. Embracing a mission that intertwines restorative practices with transformative teaching, we prepare a new generation of teachers, administrators, researchers, and scholars. Our approach is rooted in social justice and anti-racist principles, focusing on asset-based perspectives and the healing power of restorative practices in education.
Subsequent Endorsements and Professional Development
Illinois licensed teachers may complete course work toward subsequent licenses and endorsements in a variety of content areas through the School of Education. The school also offers a variety of courses appropriate for professional development for in-service teachers and other school personnel. Please contact the School of Education for further information.
Post-Baccalaureate Teachers Licensure
Licensure is also available to those who already hold a baccalaureate degree (or higher) from an accredited college or university in the United States and wish to enter the field of teaching. To be recommended for a Professional Educator License, candidates must meet all entrance requirements and fulfill a similar sequence of courses that candidates seeking the Elementary Major, Middle Grades Major, or the Secondary Minor are required to complete. Having a baccalaureate degree (or higher) may not exempt candidates from taking the required course work.
Grow Your Own Teaching Initiative
Grow Your Own - Illinois aims to recruit, equip, and prepare educators who are critical thinkers. UIS is excited to partner with GYO - IL for the 2025-2026 school year. We seek to support diverse and community-connected individuals to become certified teachers to improve their students' educational opportunities and outcomes. Please visit the GYO website. https://www.uis.edu/education/grow-your-own-teacher-initiative
The School of Education offers online sections for all middle grade, secondary, introductory, and core courses. Some 300-400 level online courses require participants to attend a mandatory weekend campus conference each semester. The same departmental admission requirements apply to all online courses except for those participants earning credits for professional development. Candidates in online courses should understand that these courses require a significant time commitment of approximately 8-10 hours per week in order to address the same learning objectives as courses that are delivered on campus.
Please Note:
Elementary Education is not an online program.
Degree Program | Program Type | Dept Application Materials and Admission Criteria | Prerequisite Course Requirements | Department ADM Review | Dept Conditional Admits | Dept Appeal Process |
Teacher Education | BA | No additional admission requirements beyond the general UIS criteria (note: to be eligible for licensure, students must abide by all UIS and state licensure requirements including all applicable grading policies) |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |