English Language Arts Content Area

For middle grades licensure, students choose a primary content area (i.e English/Language Arts) and upon completion of the program, they are able to teach grades 5-8. Listed below are the content courses required in addition to the teacher education core course work. Students should meet with a teacher education advisor early in their program to develop a plan of study to graduation.


Content Courses 1
TEP 330Topics in English Education3
TEP 405Teaching and Assessment in the Middle School3
TEP 435English Methods for Middle and Secondary Grades3
Creative Writing (Choose one)3-4
Introduction to Creative Writing
ECCE: Creative Writing, Publishing, and Community
Linguistics (Choose one)3-4
Introduction to Linguistics
Introduction to Sociolinguistics in English Studies
Literature 12
Introduction to Literature
Introduction to World Literature
Children's and Young Adult Literature
One 300/400 ENG course in Literature
Technical/Digital Writing (Choose 1)3-4
Professional Writing
Writing in New Media
Rhetoric and Composition in Digital Media
Digital Technologies in English Studies
Total Hours30-33

TEP 301 is a prerequisite for all TEP 400 Level courses