Educational Leadership
EDL 456. Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning Difficulties and (Dis)abilities. 3 Hours.
Prepares teachers to support students' learning and behavioral needs through effective instructional strategies that relate to reading, writing, and mathematics. Prerequisites: EDL 573 or TEP 224.
EDL 493. Cross-Cultural Studies for Multilingual Students and Families. 3 Hours.
The course is designed to provide an understanding of the socio-cultural and political contexts of multilingual students and families. Course topics will include immigrant and linguistic legal rights and advocacy related to U.S. schooling. Course includes a 15 hour clinical experience.
EDL 502. School Finance. 4 Hours.
Sources of school revenue, analysis of expenditure policies, intergovernmental relationships, introduction to economics of education, trends and issues, and other aspects of school finance. Clinical experiences included.
EDL 503. School Law. 4 Hours.
Examination of the legal aspects of public education; statutory and case law; rights and responsibilities of boards, administrators, teachers, and students; legal principles; and specific applications.
EDL 505. Introduction To Research. 4 Hours.
Basic research methods in educational administration. Topics include qualitative and quantitative research design, sampling, ethics, instrumentation, and validity.
EDL 509. Organizational Dynamics. 4 Hours.
Structure and function of an organization as a social system and of individual, group, and leadership processes and behavior within it. Clinical experiences included.
EDL 511. School Improvement. 4 Hours.
Study of major ideas on curriculum and assessment practices and emerging trends in research on effective school improvement. In-depth examination of reform initiatives for improving the instructional programs, organization of schools, and the roles of teachers and school leaders. Clinical experiences included.
EDL 512. Student Assessment for Online Learning. 2 Hours.
This course will introduce various assessment strategies, tools, and frameworks that can be used to evaluate students in the online environment. Participants will work individually and collaboratively to explore various means of assessing online learners.
EDL 513. Student Assessment and Emerging Technologies in Online and Remote Learning. 4 Hours.
This course will introduce various assessment strategies, tools, and frameworks in current and emerging technologies in education. Students will work individually and collaboratively to explore various means of assessing online and remote learners and practice the delivery of engagement and assessment technologies as well as interactive and administrative tools. Associated ADA compliance approaches and authentication ascertainment strategies are addressed.
EDL 515. Online Teaching and Learning. 4 Hours.
This course will introduce students to online and blended teaching and learning. Major concepts and issues, research in the field, and emerging technologies are covered, as well as practical strategies for designing and teaching online, which students actually get to practice in the course.
EDL 516. Instructional Design for Technology. 4 Hours.
This course will introduce students to the techniques of instructional design with a specific emphasis on the design of technology-based learning. Students will learn a variety of instructional design models and work through the steps of designing of a unit that integrates technology into everyday teaching and learning.
EDL 517. Education Technology Leadership. 4 Hours.
This course will provide content in effective planning, deployment, implementation, evaluation, and legal aspects of technology as it applies to educational environments, including knowledge of the social, ethical, legal and security issues concerning technology in schools.
EDL 518. Educational Technology Systems. 4 Hours.
This course will provide candidates seeking to become Technology Specialists the basics of researching, designing, selecting, and implementing technology that will enhance the educational process in a K-12 education environment.
EDL 519. The Principalship. 4 Hours.
Competencies, role, and responsibilities of the building principal. Elementary, junior high, and senior high school principalships studied. Current research, issues, and problems considered. Clinical experiences included.
EDL 521. Current and Emerging Technologies in Education. 2 Hours.
This course surveys the current and emerging technologies, techniques and tools in education. Delivery and engagement technologies, interactive tools assessment technologies; and administrative tools will be covered. Associated ADA compliance approaches and authentication ascertainment strategies will be addressed.
EDL 522. Legal Rights of Teachers, Parents, and Students in Educational Settings. 4 Hours.
Explores the fundamental legal issues that impact Illinois school districts. School law from a practical perspective to be able to distinguish the legal principles that affect the constitutional and statutory rights of teachers, students, and parents. Prominent attention is given to the legal rights of students with disabilities and the corresponding responsibilities and obligations of school and educational personnel for meeting educational needs.
EDL 523. Understanding the Education Legal System and Minimizing Occupational Risks. 4 Hours.
Designed to acquaint students with fundamental legal concepts of general law, school law, and the legal system, introducing students to basic legal concepts and terms associated with public education. There will be a focus on the legal risks that teachers, administrators, and other school employees encounter in the workplace and strategies to minimize those risks. Examples will be drawn from educational settings.
EDL 524. Educational Bargaining Approaches & Employability Issues. 4 Hours.
Students learn legal principles related to employment in the educational workplace. Topics to be covered include constitutional rights of employees, the employability of teachers and other school personnel, employment discrimination, collective bargaining and interest-based bargaining strategies and approaches. The Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act will guide an analysis of the legal rights and responsibilities of employers and employees.
EDL 525. Supervision Of Instruction. 4 Hours.
Application of principles of supervision in the instructional setting. Includes current curricular and instructional practices, K-12. Specific goal is improvement of curricular and instructional practice through the supervisory role.
EDL 526. Internship. 2 Hours.
On-site principal internship provides students with leadership experiences, required state assessments, the opportunity to work with certified mentor principal and a university supervisor in a school setting. Course Information: Prerequisites: Departmental Approval. This course is repeatable and must be taken in two consecutive semesters to complete the coursework. After two semesters, if the coursework is incomplete, students must repeat until complete.
EDL 527. Principal Internship II. 2 Hours.
Second semester of on-site principal internship provides students with real-world experiences, required formal assessments, the opportunity to work with a certified mentor principal and university supervisor in a school setting. Periodic seminars will be held on campus during this course. Course Information: Prerequisites: EDL 526. May be repeated multiple times.
EDL 531. Capstone. 2 Hours.
Planning and implementation of inquiry-based school improvement effort in a local educational setting. Course Information: This course is repeatable and must be taken in two consecutive semesters to complete the coursework. After two semesters, if the coursework is incomplete, students must repeat until complete. Prerequisites: EDL 505 and Department Approval.
EDL 532. Capstone II. 2 Hours.
Implementation of inquiry-based school improvement effort in local school setting. Students serve as team leaders to define a problem, analyze its cases and review applicable research, develop and implement an action plan, analyze results and make recommendations for continuous improvement. If the project is incomplete, students must register for EDL 534 for all following semesters until completion. Course Information: Prerequisites: EDL 531.
EDL 534. Capstone Cont Enroll. 0 Hours.
Refer to NOTE in course description for EDL 532. May be repeated.
EDL 541. Educational Research Methods. 4 Hours.
Basic research methods in education. Includes qualitative and quantitative research design, sampling, ethics, instrumentation, and validity. The goal is to increase critical and analytical capabilities and to enhance strategies and systems for achieving excellence in education.
EDL 542. Action Research for Leadership. 4 Hours.
Examination of leadership characteristics and application of processes related to action research. The goal is the ability to understand and apply problem-solving tools while working with people in educational settings.
EDL 543. Assessment for Learning. 4 Hours.
Examination of the role of standards and curriculum at district and school levels in shaping educational changes and reforms. The goal is to examine and understand curriculum and instructional issues within the context of reform efforts.
EDL 547. Technology in the Curriculum. 4 Hours.
Examination of Illinois State Board of Education and International Society for Technology in Education technology standards for teachers and teacher educators. Topics include software applications and the use of the Internet in the classroom. The goal is to integrate technology into educational situations.
EDL 548. Reading And Literacy. 4 Hours.
Explores best practices in literacy education. Topics include improving literacy and ways that literacy can be taught across the curriculum. The goal is to gain an understanding of the uses and value of reading and literacy.
EDL 550. Theoretical Foundations of ESL and Bilingual Education. 3 Hours.
Designed to provide the ESL and bilingual teacher with an understanding of the basic concepts and theories related to teaching multilingual learners. Students will develop specific skills and techniques needed to effectively teach in ESL and bilingual classrooms. Implications for language acquisition will be connected to classroom strategies. Course Information: Course includes 20 hours of clinical experience in a ML environment. Prerequisites: EDL 493.
EDL 553. Assessment of Students' Learning Difficulties and (Dis)abilities. 4 Hours.
Examination of methods of assessment for students with learning difficulties and (dis)abilities. The course will focus on the interpretation and use of assessment results. Prerequisites: EDL 456.
EDL 554. Characteristics of Exceptional Children. 4 Hours.
Examination of (dis)ability classifications under the law. The course will focus on criteria for eligibility as well as identifying characteristics and traits. Prerequisites: EDL 456.
EDL 572. Pathways to Restorative Leadership. 4 Hours.
Learn how to become a restorative leader through examining your own biases, strategies for community development, and effective approaches to conflict resolution.
EDL 573. Advanced Survey of Exceptional Children in Schools. 4 Hours.
Critical examination of personal and societal views of (dis)ability and ableism with the goal of understanding how best support exceptional children.
EDL 584. Assessment of and Program Design for ESL and Bilingual Students. 3 Hours.
Provides ESL and bilingual teachers with an understanding of the impact of assessment in the classroom regarding multilingual instruments, administration, and interpretation. Linguistic and cultural aspects of standardized testing will be discussed. Different ESL and bilingual models will be analyzed. Course Information: Course includes 20 hours of clinical experience in a ML environment. Prerequisites: EDL 493.
EDL 585. Foundations of Online Learning. 4 Hours.
Provides an examination of learning and of being a member of an online community. Included are strategies for e-learning, leaders as part of a virtual learning community, graduate level research and writing.
EDL 586. Capstone Project. 4 Hours.
Students are required to demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired through the MAE program by leading the design and implementation of an improvement effort (PDSA -Plan-Do-Study-Act) in their school district, carried out with a team over the period of one term. Note: If the project is not completed during initial enrollment, students must register for EDL 598 for 0 credit hour (1 billable hour) during all fall and spring semesters until completion.
EDL 592. Linguistics. 3 Hours.
Designed to provide the ESL and bilingual teacher with a broad context of linguistics including understanding the theory of modern linguistics and application of linguistic theory in the ESL/bilingual classroom. Students will develop an understanding of the basic concepts relating to linguistics in relationship to the ESL and bilingual classroom. Course Information: Course includes 15 hours of clinical experience in a ML environment. Prerequisites: EDL 493.
EDL 594. Bilingual and ESL Methods and Materials. 3 Hours.
This course is designed to provide the ESL and bilingual teacher with a broad spectrum of tools to assist in the teaching and learning of second language literacy skills and biliteracy frameworks. An emphasis in Second Language Acquisition research will be connected to practices in the ESL and bilingual classroom. Course Information: Course includes 20 hours of clinical experience in a ML environment. Prerequisites: EDL 493.
EDL 595. ESL Clinical Experience. 2 Hours.
The ESL teacher will demonstrate strategies through 100 hours of clinical experience in an authentic supervised classroom approved by faculty coordinator and on-site supervisor. Students must have successfully completed 16 hours of course work prior to enrollment. Clinicals may not be required based on requirements of ISBE ESL Letter of Endorsement. Course Information: Students must hold a bachelor's degree and a valid teaching certificate.
EDL 598. MAE Capstone Continuing Enrollment. 0 Hours.
This course is offered to those students who enrolled in EDL 586 and were unable to complete the project. Students must register for EDL 598 for zero credit hours (one billable hour) during all fall and spring semesters until the project is completed.
EDL 599. Independent Research And Study. 1-12 Hours.
Supervised investigation into specific topic or research project selected by the student with faculty approval. May include library or field work. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours with approval. Students may register in more than one section per term.
EDL 603. Advanced Seminar on Law and Public Policy. 4 Hours.
Examination of federal and state constitutional, statutory and policy sources applicable to educators and a variety of legal and policy issues affecting educational administration.
EDL 604. Politics of Education: Federal, State and Local Politics and Policies. 4 Hours.
The political and social environment of public education in Illinois: analysis of the power structure and its influence on educational policymaking.
EDL 605. Research in Educational Leadership. 4 Hours.
Examination and critique of education research and issues related to designing and planning research studies and improvement projects. Candidates learn to apply techniques to specific research problems and projects.
EDL 611. Superintendent as Instructional Leader. 4 Hours.
Study of the major ideas and emerging research on school improvement issues of the superintendent. In-depth examination of reform initiatives for changing the organization of schools, the instructional program, and the role of students, teachers, and school leaders.
EDL 612. Management of Educational Funds and Facilities. 4 Hours.
Study of financing public education in Illinois: school finance policy, budgeting, and financial administration as well as management of educational facilities.
EDL 621. Superintendent and Central Staff/Personnel Management. 4 Hours.
The course will address the legal, social, ethical, and financial issues relating to employment, supervision, and evaluation of employees as well as development and leadership of the administrative team or cabinet.
EDL 626. Clinical Experiences/Internship. 2 Hours.
On-site field experience provides opportunities for candidates to work with administrative leaders and faculty coordinator to improve each candidate's professional developmental needs in a live setting. Course Information: Credit/No Credit grading only.
EDL 627. Clinical Experiences/Internship II. 2 Hours.
On-site field experience provides opportunities for candidates to work with administrative leaders and faculty coordinator to improve each candidate's professional developmental needs in a live setting. Course Information: Credit/No Credit grading only. Prerequisites: EDL 626.
EDL 628. Clinical Experiences/Internship III. 2 Hours.
On-site field experience based on previous chief school business official course work documented in their individual clinical portfolios, past district administrative experiences and their previous administrative certification course work. Credit/No Credit grading only. Course Information: Prerequisites: EDL 626 and EDL 627.
EDL 635. Organizational Theory and Leadership. 4 Hours.
Overview of sociological and behavioral theories that relate to administration of various educational organizations.
EDL 640. Business Application Revenues. 4 Hours.
Techniques and methods of estimating local, state, and federal revenues; alternative methods of school budget planning and control; alternative methods for reducing costs/increasing revenues using existing funds.
EDL 645. Business Application Expenditures. 4 Hours.
Principles of school fund accounting with a focus on areas of expenditure to include a study of budgeting for expenses, payroll administration, personnel costs, curriculum costs, bonded indebtedness, accounting for receipts and expenditures, extracurricular funds and expenses and analysis of statements, and auxiliary enterprises such as cafeteria.