International and Global Studies
IGS 101. Global Culture and College-age Youth. 3 Hours.
This introductory college course explores concerns, interests, and aspirations of college-age students around the world. Using comparative tools, it develops skills to discover issues of identity, diversity, and inclusivity of college-age people in the U.S. and abroad. Course Information: This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of First-Year Seminar or in the area of Social and Behavioral Sciences.
IGS 125. The History of Everywhere. 3 Hours.
Global History Survey. Focuses on historical events that happened at the same time across the globe. This allows us to explore fascinating connections and coincidences, a complex web of interactions, exchanges, influences that have shaped the course of civilization across geographical/cultural/temporal boundaries. Course Information: Same as HIS 125. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Comparative Societies Humanities.
IGS 206. Introduction to International Relations. 3 Hours.
This course provides students with the basic concepts and theories of the study of international relations. Topics include: the international system, the balance of power, and economic interdependence. Course Information: Same as PSC 206. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Social and Behavioral Sciences (IAI Code: S5 904).
IGS 301. Introduction to Global Studies. 3 Hours.
Provides an interdisciplinary overview of the field of global studies, including the principles issues, scales, perspectives and modes of study that make up a global approach to world problems. It provides a foundation for the major in Global Studies and the minor in International Studies to chart a course of study, including the discussion of a possible concentration, study abroad, or internships. Course Information: Same as PSC 301.
IGS 325. ECCE: Latina/o/x USA. 4 Hours.
Study of U.S. Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, Central/South American communities. Main themes: immigration, identity, gender and racial constructions, labor, education, activism. Topics: demographic trends, political participation, relations with origin communities in Latin America and the Caribbean. Course Information: Same as SOA 325. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of U.S. Communities.
IGS 331. ECCE: Cultural Geography. 3 Hours.
Explores the cultural processes of human interaction with the environment. Includes understanding of the geographic diversity, distribution and diffusion of people across the world, through such cultural processes as ethnicity, religion, language, politics, agriculture, and economic means. Course Information: Same as ENS 332. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Global Awareness.
IGS 371. ECCE: Comparative Politics. 3 Hours.
Course examines concepts and theories in the study of comparative politics. Topics include: comparative systems and institutions, electoral politics, and democratic development. Course Information: Same as PSC 371. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Global Awareness.
IGS 415. ECCE: Archaeology of Global Slavery. 4 Hours.
This academic journey delves deep into the tangible remnants of one of the most profound, tragic, and enduring human experiences in history. It combines archaeology, anthropology, history, and sociology to unravel the material culture and lived experiences of enslaved individuals across continents and centuries. Course Information: Same as HIS 415. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Global Awareness.
IGS 442. Mexican Migration to the U.S.. 4 Hours.
This interdisciplinary course on Mexican migration to the US examines global power inequalities that lead to international migration. Topics include the formation of the US-Mexico border, why people migrate from Mexico, how most Mexican immigration has become "illegal," and the contributions of Mexican immigrants to the United States and Mexico. Course Information: Same as PSC 442 and SOA 442.
IGS 455. Global Masculinities. 4 Hours.
Interdisciplinary survey of expressions of masculinity in global and transnational perspective, with emphasis on non-Western cultures. Themes and topics include motives for, and ethnographic and systematic approaches to study of men and masculinities interspersed with case studies of specific forms of masculinity in various geographic regions. Course Information: Same as SOA 456 and WGS 455. Prerequisites: Prior mastery of fundamental concepts, theories and terminology in WGS.
IGS 464. Introduction to Human Rights. 3,4 Hours.
Introduces human rights as a domestic and international phenomenon. Focus on cultural, economic, political, and social rights, and their implications for particular groups such as race, gender, age, religion, nationality, language, political affiliation, and disability status. Specific issues such as human trafficking will be explored through the lens of international law. Course Information: Same as CCJ 463 and LES 464.
IGS 467. ECCE: US-Mexico Border Politics. 3,4 Hours.
In this ECCE Global Awareness course we will discuss the dynamics of the US-Mexico border and immigration across it in 3 parts by emphasizing history and the border, the laws and policy that govern migration, and communication and public opinion about this highly salient topic. Course Information: Same as PSC 467. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Global Awareness.
IGS 491. International and Global Studies Capstone. 2 Hours.
The culminating course in the International and Global Studies curriculum will direct students to review and integrate the knowledge, skills, attitudes gained from the curriculum. Students will work 4 hours outside the classroom each week on a final research project tailored to the major and with the close supervision of the capstone instructor.
IGS 499. Tutorial. 1-4 Hours.
Intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or her.