Medical Laboratory Science


MLS 115. Solving Medical Mysteries. 3 Hours.

This course is intended to answer commonly asked questions about human health and disease. An overview will briefly describe healthy human biology and function which will be contrasted with the abnormal functioning seen in major diseases. Actual clinical lab results will be presented in case stories that offer a glimpse into "what is going on inside" the diseased patient. Armed with this type of information, students can become more active and effective consumers within the healthcare system. Course Information: This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Life Science without a Lab.

MLS 131. Introduction to Forensic Science. 3 Hours.

Scientific basis of forensics investigations. Discusses basic procedures for investigation of crime scenes through deductive reasoning, case history/problem-solving approach. Topics: fingerprints, soil/imprints, toxicology, ballistics, blood/body fluid analysis, DNA fingerprints, PCR technology. Course Information: Same as CHE 131. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Physical Science without a Lab. (IAI Code: P1903).

MLS 132. Introduction to Forensic Science Laboratory. 1 Hour.

Lab illustrates basic scientific procedures/analyses used in forensic science labs. Exercises: fingerprinting, hair/fiber analysis, soil/glass analysis, PCR/DNA profiling, toxicology, blood spatter analysis, field tests for blood, semen, drugs. Optional lab to be taken with MLS 131. Course Information: Same as CHE 132. This course, with MLS 131, fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Physical Science with a Lab. (IAI Code: P1903L).

MLS 225. Nutrition. 3 Hours.

Provides a foundation in the basic principles of human nutrition in maintaining and promoting health. Application of basic biological concepts such as cell function and heredity, as well as personal and societal applications of nutrition will enable students to make informed decisions. Course Information: This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Life Science without a Lab.

MLS 325. Evidence-Based Research Concepts. 3 Hours.

This course will focus on outlining the foundation of evidence-based practice in health sciences. The students will gain a basic understanding of principles in evidence-based practice and how to incorporate those principles into clinical practice. Course Information: Same as EXR 325.

MLS 331. Evidence-Based Inquiry. 2 Hours.

This course develops knowledge of evidence-based inquiry methods and their application in professional practice. Content includes: research methods, study design, evidence-based practice, and ethics in research.

MLS 341. Physiologic Processes. 3 Hours.

This course teaches the normal physiology, as well as selected diseases, of the human body at a level required for clinical medicine. Concepts are taught using a combination of lectures and exercises with case studies.

MLS 400. Applied Research. 1-4 Hours.

Directed research in procedure development or in-depth investigation of a specific area in medical laboratory science. Topic approved and hours assigned by instructor. Written report required. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours.

MLS 415. Foundations in Medical Laboratory Science. 2 Hours.

An introduction to the MLS program and career. Laboratory practice is discussed to include preanalytical, analytical and postanalytical factors. Professionalism, ethics, professional development and education are discussed. Introduction to research and critique of scientific literature are included.

MLS 425. Laboratory Operations. 2 Hours.

This is an introductory course for basic laboratory operations necessary for Medical Laboratory Science (MLS). This is a lecture/laboratory course that will focus on lab skills as well as general laboratory knowledge. Emphasis will be placed on laboratory skills such as pipetting and phlebotomy. Students will learn to use math skills to solve problems in laboratory science, to include the design and analysis of QC charts.

MLS 432. Hematology I. 3 Hours.

Course emphasizes basic hematologic and hemostasis principles. Manual and semi-automated procedures are performed. Basic morphology and routine procedures are introduced. Case studies involving normal and abnormal clinical applications are discussed.

MLS 433. Medical Microbiology I. 4 Hours.

Concise overview of pathogenic bacteriology, focusing on human disease. Includes discussion of techniques for culturing and identifying bacteria and an introduction to epidemiology. Course Information: Prerequisites: BIO 141.

MLS 434. Clinical Chemistry I. 4 Hours.

Lecture/laboratory course focusing on clinical significance and methodology of measurement of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, enzymes, electrolytes, and other important clinical chemistry analytes in blood and urine. Focus on function and pathology of all major organs in the human body. Special emphasis on quality control and its use in the clinical chemistry laboratory. Course Information: Prerequisites: MLS 425.

MLS 442. Hematology II. 4 Hours.

Course focusing on advanced principles of hematologic testing leading to improved interpretive skills in hematology. Emphasis on morphology and correlation of data with disease states and disorders. Case studies and discussion used to illustrate the pathophysiology of hematological disorders. Course Information: Prerequisites: MLS 432.

MLS 443. Medical Microbiology II. 3 Hours.

The 2nd course in the Medical Microbiology series includes more intensive study of Medical Microbiology, specific evaluation of human pathogenic bacteriology, and evaluation of mixed cultures. This course will study the taxonomy, morphology, and pathogenesis of human microbes including bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses, including practical application of diagnostic laboratory procedures. Course Information: Prerequisites: MLS 433.

MLS 444. Clinical Chemistry II. 3 Hours.

Lecture course focusing on clinical significance and methodology of measurement of important clinical chemistry analytes. Focus on function and pathology of select major organs in the human body. Special emphasis on case studies with critical thinking to interpret the case studies. Course Information: Prerequisites: MLS 434.

MLS 448. Introduction to Immunology. 3 Hours.

Immunologic principles, concepts, and techniques will be discussed, including components of the immune system, cellular and humoral immune response, and antigen-antibody reactions. Human diseases related to compromised immunity will be introduced. Course Information: Same as BIO 448. Prerequisites: BIO 141 or equivalent.

MLS 449. Introductory Immunology Lab. 1 Hour.

Basic immunology and serology procedures with emphasis on medical laboratory diagnostic procedures. Course Information: Same as BIO 449. Prerequisites: BIO 141 or equivalent, MLS 448 or concurrent.

MLS 468. Immunohematology. 4 Hours.

Lecture/laboratory course emphasizing concepts, properties and scientific principles of Immunohematology. Includes theory and practical applications of: blood-group systems; antibody identification; compatibility testing; hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn; donor evaluation and processing; blood component preparation and therapy; and quality assurance in the blood bank/transfusion service. Course Information: Prerequisites: MLS 449 or equivalent.

MLS 471. ECCE: Emerging Diseases. 3 Hours.

Examines the global emergence of previously unknown/re-emergent infectious diseases. Historical/current diseases discussed by integrating the perspectives of medical science and public health with social systems, economics, politics, and geography. Challenges/remedies in an interdependent but unequal world. Course Information: Same as MPH 471. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Global Awareness.

MLS 475. Advanced Analysis in Laboratory Medicine. 2 Hours.

In this problem-based learning course, students will explore complex clinical case studies that span all Medical Laboratory Science disciplinary areas. The course culminates in a comprehensive, entry-level competency exam. The course must be completed in the semester immediately preceding enrollment in MLS Practicum courses. Instructor approval required.

MLS 477. Molecular Diagnostics. 2 Hours.

This course offers an introduction into the principles, utility, and diversity of molecular testing in the medical laboratory. Central concepts include: nucleic acid extraction, amplification and detection; mutations and polymorphisms; DNA sequencing; molecular microbiology; inherited disease; molecular oncology; pharmacogenetics; and quality assurance and control in the molecular diagnostic laboratory. Course Information: Prerequisites: MLS 444.

MLS 480. Topics in Medical Laboratory Science. 1-4 Hours.

Selected topics of interest in current Medical Laboratory Science. Topic(s) for a semester will be stated in the class schedule. Course may include laboratory. Course Information: Prerequisites: Dependent on topic. May be repeated if topics vary.

MLS 481. Education and Management. 2 Hours.

Explores how education and management of laboratory personnel can influence health care delivery in the United States. This course covers processes and practices of health care management, including personnel issues, financial issues, regulatory issues and educational principles.

MLS 487. ECCE: Practicum I. 6 Hours.

Encompasses clinical experiences integrated with theory, in a dynamic healthcare setting where students experience the collaborative nature of MLS and healthcare. Students work with MLS, performing tests to diagnose and treat patients. #1 of 2 courses to include 2 of 4 major areas of study. Course Information: Prerequisites: MLS Senior. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Engagement Experience.

MLS 488. ECCE: Practicum II. 6 Hours.

Encompasses clinical experiences integrated with theory, in a dynamic healthcare setting where students experience the collaborative nature of MLS and healthcare. Students work with MLS, performing tests to diagnose and treat patients. #2 of 2 courses to include 2 of 4 major areas of study. Course Information: Prerequisites: MLS Senior. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Engagement Experience.

MLS 496. Special Topics Practicum. 1-6 Hours.

Course is designed to provide MLS students an opportunity for directed research and/or observational experiences in alternative MLS practice areas. Students may also participate in service learning. Topics and sites must be approved and written reports are required. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 6 hours if topics vary. Prerequisites: MLS Senior.

MLS 497. Senior Seminar I. 3 Hours.

This is the first course in the two-part MLS senior capstone series. Content includes: the MLS senior research project, simulation exams, student-centered remediation planning, study plan development, case studies, and peer discussions of clinical learning experiences. Course Information: Prerequisites: MLS 331.

MLS 498. Senior Seminar II. 3 Hours.

This is the second course in the two-part MLS senior capstone series. Content includes: exam preparation (e.g. simulation exams, student-centered remediation planning, study plan development, student bowl practice, analytical exam content breakdown), case studies, and peer discussions of clinical learning experiences. Course Information: Prerequisites: MLS 497.

MLS 499. Tutorial. 1-4 Hours.

Intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or her. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours if topics vary.

MLS 516. Categorical Graduate Practicum. 3 Hours.

This course includes supervised clinical learning experiences and capstone learning assessments in one Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) disciplinary area. Course is restricted to students pursuing an MLS graduate certificate. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 9 hours if MLS disciplinary topics vary.