Pre-Medical Concentration

Students can formalize their preparation for medical or professional schools by earning the MLS Pre-Medical concentration. This designation will appear on the transcript. Students are not required to complete the Pre-Medical concentration in order to apply to medical school or other professional school. 

Pre-med students are advised to take Intro Psychology and Intro Sociology as 2 of the 3 general education social science courses. Students should take MAT 115, Calculus I, as a general education math requirement in addition to a statistics course such as MAT 121. A student who would like to have a Pre-Medical concentration in MLS should consult the MLS Program Director or MLS advisor as some courses in the sciences have recently changed.

The MLS major will need to complete the following courses for the Pre-Medical concentration, in addition to MLS prerequisite courses and MLS major courses, to complete the Pre-Medical concentration. 


Required Courses
ASP 201University Physics I4
ASP 202University Physics II4
CHE 268Organic Chemistry I Laboratory 11
CHE 269Organic Chemistry II3
CHE 271Organic Chemistry II Lab1
MAT 115Calculus I4
Select at least four hours from the following:4
Cell Biology
Human Disease
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Total Hours21

CHE 268 in an MLS prerequisite course