BBA Management Concentration

Contact Information

Phone: (217) 206-6712
Office Location: UHB 4060

The goal of the B.B.A. with a management concentration is to develop the critical, conceptual, and interpersonal skills that are essential to employment in management positions in all types of organizations. In addition to requiring a theoretical foundation, the curriculum provides students with numerous opportunities to integrate and apply these skills in a variety of situations.

Specific degree objectives are to enable students to develop:

  1. An understanding of the different forms of organizations and how they operate in domestic and global contexts.
  2. An ability to analyze cognitive, behavioral, and ethical issues faced by individuals and groups in organizations.
  3. An understanding of appropriate strategies for organizational effectiveness and the practical application of management concepts to address the challenges faced by leaders and members of the organizations.


New students must contact the department for initial advising to plan a program of study that satisfies degree requirements and reflects their interests. Students are also required to access the Degree Audit System throughout their college career to verify that degree requirements are being met.

The College of Business and Management and the University of Illinois Springfield have a team of advisors ready to assist students in achieving their academic and career preparation goals. Advising services are customized based on the level and location of the student. Refer to the Undergraduate Academic Advising - College of Business and Management for resources to help you succeed in achieving your academic goals. CBM strictly enforces prerequisites.

Grading Policy

Students must earn a minimum grade of C- in all foundation courses and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 across all foundation courses. Students must earn a minimum grade of C- in all college core courses (EXCEPT MGT 488) and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 across all college core courses. A minimum grade of C (2.0) is required in MGT 488 (a grade of C- or lower will not be accepted).


The BBA degree requires a minimum of three hours of internship course work consisting of an individualized field experience IPL 300 or an individual project IPL 301. Students are encouraged to complete six hours of Internship. Internship hours will be used to fulfill the Engagement Experience ECCE category. Students must complete course work in at least one of the other ECCE categories including U.S. Communities and Global Awareness. The one hour UNI 301 Speaker Series course fulfills the last hour of the ECCE requirement (10 Total ECCE hours required).

  • Only in exceptional cases, using a Student Petition with appropriate College of Business and Management approvals, students may request to waive the three-hour internship requirement and substitute an alternative ECCE course.
  • Credit for Prior Learning IPL 305 may not be used by College of Business and Management students to fulfill degree requirements.


Foundation requirements
Junior or senior standing required to enroll in ACC 311 and ECO 315.
ACC 211
ACC 212
Introduction to Financial Accounting
and Introduction to Managerial Accounting
or ACC 311 Administrative Uses of Accounting
ECO 201
ECO 202
Introduction to Microeconomics
and Introduction to Macroeconomics
or ECO 315 Economics for Administration
ECO 213Statistics for Business and Economics3
or MAT 121 Applied Statistics
Course work equivalent to the above may be accepted upon approval by the student’s advisor and the College of Business and Management by a student petition.
Total Hours11-15
College Core
The college core is required of all undergraduate College of Business and Management
BUS 312Principles of Marketing3
BUS 322Principles of Operations Management3
BUS 331ECCE: Business, Ethics, and Society3
FIN 302Principles of Financial Management3
MGT 310Managing Organizational Behavior3
MGT 330Business and Managerial Communication3
MGT 488Strategic Management: The Capstone 13
MIS 352Principles of Management Information Systems3
MIS 376Business Analytics3
Total Hours27
Management Concentration Requirements 2
MGT 461Organization Theory3
or MGT 485 International Management
Select two of the following6
Human Resource Management
Organization Theory
Leadership and Motivation
International Management
One upper division (300-400) management (MGT) course3
Upper Division College of Business & Management course work 33
Total Hours15
Other Graduation Requirements
Engaged Citizenship Common Experience (ECCE)10

Prerequisite: All college core courses, and within 12 hours of graduation or during the student's last semester.


College Core and ECCE courses may not be used to fulfill these requirements.


 e.g., ACC, (Except ACC 311), BUS, ECO (Except ECO 315), FIN, MGT,  MIS, MKT, and SPM.