Business Administration


BUS 310. Topics in Business Administration. 1-4 Hours.

Each topic covers a different concept in Business Administration and may include an intensive workshop. May be repeated for an indefinite number of hours, but particular topics must vary.

BUS 312. Principles of Marketing. 3 Hours.

Covers the basic theories that guide marketing practice, and acquaints students with the fundamental concepts of marketing. The course focuses on marketers use of price, product, promotion, and distribution strategies to create a sustainable differential for a target market segment. (CBM Core Course) Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 211, and ECO 201 or ECO 315, or equivalents.

BUS 322. Principles of Operations Management. 3 Hours.

Introduction to OM techniques including their application to functional areas of the business enterprise and operations control. Topics include product and production planning, facilities layout and location planning, project evaluation and control, linear programming, waiting line and inventory modeling, production control, and quality planning and control. (CBM Core Course) Course Information: Prerequisites: ECO 213 or MAT 121.

BUS 331. ECCE: Business, Ethics, and Society. 3 Hours.

Interdisciplinary evaluation of the social responsibility of business. Examines experiences at the intersection of race, class, immigration, and urban/rural communities. Uses current and historical examples to understand how business, and business policy, differentially affects different populations in the U.S. Course Information: CBM core course. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of U.S. Communities.

BUS 332. Legal Environment of Business. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the nature and function of law and legal systems and their impact on business. Specific areas of study include private, regulatory, securities, labor, employment, and antitrust law and business organization.

BUS 334. Entrepreneurship in the Arts. 3 Hours.

Intro to the theory and practice of entrepreneurship as it is related to the fine arts. Offers students an essential understanding of how creative thinking can contribute to the entrepreneurial process and how entrepreneurial skills can contribute to the building of an artistic career. Course Information: Same as MUS 334, ART 334, and THE 334. This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Visual, Creative, and Performing Arts.

BUS 354. Entrepreneurship. 3 Hours.

Elements of entrepreneurship, highlighting successful characteristics. Functions of the entrepreneur explained and illustrated. Students examine personal and commercial strategies that can be used in establishing new business ventures. Course Information: Prerequisites: BUS 312 or equivalent.

BUS 381. Business and Developing Countries. 3 Hours.

The gap between developed countries and less developed countries is growing larger. This course explores the role that business can play in closing this gap. Course Information: No prior coursework in business is required.

BUS 410. Advanced Topics in Business Administration. 1-3 Hours.

Each topic covers a different concept in Business Administration and may include an intensive workshop. May be repeated for an indefinite number of hours, but particular topics must vary. Course Information: Prerequisites: All foundation courses or equivalents.

BUS 411. Consumer Behavior. 3 Hours.

Marketers, public policy makers, and individuals need to understand consumers' decisions related to the acquisition, consumption, and disposition of goods, services, activities, experiences, people, and ideas. Using knowledge from economics, psychology, social psychology, anthropology, and sociology, students will understand the main theories related to consumer behavior and apply them to marketing strategy and tactics. Students will also learn about the academic and professional steps required to have a successful career in diverse consumer behavior fields. Course Information: Same as MKT 431. Prerequisites: BUS 312 or equivalent.

BUS 432. Research Methods and Analytics in Marketing. 3 Hours.

Develops qualitative and quantitative research skills from defining the problem, data collection and analysis to reporting results. Students will learn to use various analytical tools used in industry (e.g. SPSS and SPSS modeler) to help them prepare for careers such as Marketing and Business analyst. Course Information: Same as MKT 432. Prerequisites: ECO 213 or equivalent statistics course and BUS 312 or equivalent.

BUS 435. Sales Force Management and Professional Selling. 3 Hours.

A study of principles and practices of managing a sales force including recruitment, motivation, direction, and control of the sales force. Understanding the theory and practice of professional selling. Course Information: Same as MKT 435. Prerequisites: BUS 312 or equivalent.

BUS 436. Marketing Promotions. 3 Hours.

In-depth study of the major concepts in the promotional aspect of marketing management. Particular emphasis is placed on the elements of the promotion mix (i.e., personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, advertising, public relations/publicity) as well as the promotion planning process and the development of promotion strategy, a vitally important element of an organization's marketing promotions. Course Information: Same as MKT 436. Prerequisites: BUS 312, or equivalent.

BUS 450. Topics in Production Operations Management. 1-3 Hours.

Each topic covers a different production operations management concept and may include an intensive workshop. May be repeated for an indefinite number of hours, but particular topics must differ. Course Information: Prerequisites: BUS 322, or equivalent.

BUS 452. Project Management. 3 Hours.

Managing projects within an organizational context, including the processes related to initiating, planning, executing, controlling, reporting, and closing a project. This course covers topics such as project integration, scope, time, cost, quality control, risk management, and earned value management. Course Information: Same as MIS 458. Prerequisites: MIS 352 is required, as well as BUS 322 or an equivalent. Access to the Internet is required.

BUS 470. Topics in Human Resource Management. 1-3 Hours.

Each topic covers a different human resource management concept and may include an intensive workshop. May be repeated for an indefinite number of hours, but particular topics must differ. Course Information: Prerequisites: MGT 431 or MGT 310, or instructor approval.

BUS 471. Human Resources Planning and Staffing. 3 Hours.

Addresses organizational analysis, job analysis and its impact on other HR functions (i.e. recruitment, and selection, performance appraisal, compensation), determining employee staffing levels, recruitment processes and sources to maximize the number of qualified applicants for positions, and effective selection techniques. Course Information: Same as MGT 471. Prerequisites: MGT 431, or instructor approval.

BUS 472. Compensation and Benefit Strategies. 3 Hours.

Exploration of total compensation in support of organizational strategy. Evaluation of components of total compensation with respect to whether they appropriately influence behavior in light of four questions. Do people join an organization because of pay? Do people stay or leave because of pay? Do people perform better because of pay? Do people more readily agree to develop relevant job skills because of pay? Course Information: Same as MGT 472. Prerequisites: MGT 431 or instructor approval.

BUS 473. Employee Appraisal and Development. 3 Hours.

Examines processes by which organizations and managers provide feedback and develop employee talents to their maximum potential. Topics include needs assessment, employee performance appraisal, career planning, and training. Course Information: Same as MGT 473. Prerequisites: MGT 431 or instructor approval.

BUS 483. Business Policy. 3 Hours.

Problem solving in business from an upper-management perspective. Interrelationships between the marketing, finance, operations, and human behavior perspectives are addressed, particularly with respect to developing enterprise strategies to attain objectives in the context of the containing environment. Also considers corporate social responsibility to the individual and society. Course Information: Prerequisites: All Core courses.

BUS 499. Tutorial in Business Administration. 1-4 Hours.

Intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or her. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours if topics vary.

BUS 501. Business Perspectives. 3 Hours.

This is the gateway course to the MBA curriculum that introduces the core concepts in functional areas of management, marketing, finance and operations with an emphasis on application to business situations. Concepts are integrated through case analyses to pursue in-depth study of functional area topics throughout the graduate business curriculum. Other topics include ethical issues and the roles of globalization, diversity, technology, entrepreneurship, and innovation in business. Course Information: Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ACC 311 or equivalent and ECO 315 or equivalent. Peoria Cohort students must complete ACC 311 or equivalent and ECO 315 or equivalent prior to enrolling in this course. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

BUS 512. Marketing Management. 3 Hours.

Study of the conceptual foundations and practices of contemporary marketing as well as the planning, implementation, and control of the marketing function. Topics include situation analysis; marketing objectives; target market selection; and product, promotion, pricing, and physical distribution decisions. Course Information: Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ACC 311 or equivalent and ECO 315 or equivalent, and BUS 501 (a prerequisite for MBA students only). Peoria Cohort students must complete ACC 311 or equivalent and ECO 315 or equivalent prior to enrolling in this course. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

BUS 513. Digital Marketing. 3 Hours.

An overview of the fundamental terms and concepts in digital marketing as well as develop an understanding of current social media marketing strategies. Students will have a strong foundation of knowledge and practical skills that can be used to create effective marketing campaigns on many social media platforms.

BUS 520. Topics In Marketing. 3 Hours.

Advanced study in specific topics, to be announced when offered. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisites: BUS 512. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

BUS 521. Statistical Analysis for ACC and BUS. 3 Hours.

Discusses collection, analysis, and interpretation of various types of accounting and business data to design, execute, and evaluate decisions in organizations. Topics include data description, probability, sampling, and fundamentals of accounting information and analysis.

BUS 522. Production and Operations Management. 3 Hours.

Operations management is concerned with the production and delivery of goods and services. Focus is on managing and improving business processes, procedures and strategies used to transform various inputs into finished goods and services. Course Information: Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ACC 311 and ECO 315 or equivalent and BUS 501 (MBA students only). Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield.

BUS 528. Supply Chain and Logistics Management. 3 Hours.

A supply chain is a network of companies producing and delivering goods and services from raw materials to end consumers. Supply chain and logistics management consists in designing and managing business processes across the supply chain. This course introduces students to contemporary issues in supply chain management, including supply chain strategy, supply contracts, risk mitigation strategies, flexible logistics systems, service supply chains, sustainability and the role of IT. Course Information: Prerequisites: BUS 322 or equivalent.

BUS 529. Quality Systems and Lean Operations. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts and techniques in lean operations and quality systems for continuous improvement. Lean processes focus on creating value by relentlessly pursuing waste elimination. Quality systems incorporate practices that deal with the elimination of process variations for zero defects. These concepts provide an integrated method to both service and manufacturing sections for improving quality, productivity, customer satisfaction, and profitability. Course Information: Prerequisites: BUS 322 or equivalent.

BUS 530. Topics in Production and Operations Management. 3 Hours.

Advanced study in specific topics, to be announced when offered. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisites: BUS 522. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

BUS 537. Survey of U.S. Healthcare System. 3 Hours.

An overview of the healthcare system and the healthcare industry with an emphasis on Public Health. An introduction to the regulatory complexity of the healthcare environment and an in-depth exploration of key federal and state laws including medical malpractice and patient care laws. Course Information: Restricted to Graduate students only.

BUS 538. Managing Healthcare Operations. 3 Hours.

Introduction to strategies used to manage and deliver healthcare services. Analytical methods and tools to improve performance of healthcare processes. Course Information: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

BUS 539. Leadership and Consumer Insights. 3 Hours.

Introduction to leadership styles, delegation, decision-making, communication, and subordinate development. Learning to measure and create customer value based on the dynamic changes in customers' needs and the social, economic, legal, and technological environment that surrounds them. Course Information: Restricted to Graduate students only.

BUS 541. Organizational Behavior. 3 Hours.

Examination of impacts of individuals, groups, and structural attributes on behavior within organizations. Topics include historical development of management, personality and perception, motivation, group dynamics, power and politics, diversity, organizational design, legal issues in human resource administration, ethical issues as they relate to leadership and the administration of employees, and organizational change and development. Major emphasis is placed on the application and synthesis of key concepts in designing and maintaining effective work environments. Course Information: Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ACC 311 or equivalent and ECO 315 or equivalent, and BUS 501. Peoria Cohort students must complete ACC 311 or equivalent and ECO 315 or equivalent prior to enrolling in this course. Prerequisites are waived for non-MBA students. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

BUS 550. Topics in Organizational Behavior. 3 Hours.

Advanced study of specific topics, to be announced when offered. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisites: BUS 541. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

BUS 552. Power. 3 Hours.

Examines organizational and interpersonal applications of power at macro and micro levels. In power simulations, students will experience power opportunities of various system positions. The role of individual differences and interpersonal dynamics are examined. Students will also learn to give and receive feedback on power issues focused on self, team, and organizational systems. Course Information: Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

BUS 560. Topics in Human Resource Management. 3 Hours.

Advanced study in specific topics, to be announced when offered. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisites: BUS 551. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

BUS 570. Topics in Business. 3 Hours.

Advanced study in specific topics, to be announced when offered. May be repeated if topics vary. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

BUS 583. Business Strategy Closure. 3 Hours.

Emphasizes the formulation of organizational missions and goals the implementation of policies and strategies to assure their achievement. Focus is placed on the oversight of entire operations in light of stakeholder expectations and legal and ethical considerations. NOTE: Campus policy requires that students not completing BUS 583 during the first enrollment of three hours must enroll for BUS 584 for zero credit hours (one billable hour) each semester (excluding summer terms) until the course requirements are met. Course Information: Prerequisites: Completion of all MBA core coursework. Restricted to Business Administration (MBA).

BUS 584. Business Strategy Continuing Enrollment. 0 Hours.

Refer to NOTE in course description for BUS 583. Course Information: May be repeated. Restricted to Business Administration (MBA). Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

BUS 599. Tutorial in Business Administration. 1-8 Hours.

Intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or her. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours.