Graduate Certificate in Management of Nonprofit Organizations

The Graduate Certificate in Management of Nonprofit Organizations requires 18 hours of course work from the menu below. Individuals may take these courses and earn the certificate part time without being formally enrolled in any degree program, or may complete it as part of a degree program.

Grading Policy

A grade of B- or better must be earned in the required courses to qualify for the certificate.


Area 1: Introduction to Nonprofit Management
PAD 542Nonprofit Sector & Society3
Area 2: Nonprofit Finance
Select one of the following courses:
PAD 504Budget And Finance3
or PAD 545 Public Financial Management
Area 3: Human Resources
PAD 541Nonprofit Sector: Human Resources3
Area 4: Nonprofit-Specific Tools
Select one of the following courses:
PAD 543Marketing for Public and Nonprofit Organizations3
or PAD 544 Fund Raising for Public and Nonprofit Organizations
Area 5: Administrative Tools
Select two of the following courses:6
Budget And Finance (If not taken in Area 2)
Public Policy for Managers
Program Evaluation
Program Implementation
Marketing for Public and Nonprofit Organizations (If not taken in Area 4)
Fund Raising for Public and Nonprofit Organizations (If not take in Area 4)
Public Financial Management (If not taken in Area 2)
Strategic Planning and Management
Public Administration Internship Seminar (Note: Internship must be completed in the nonprofit sector)
Topics in Public Administration
Total Hours18