Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Labor Relations

The Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Labor Relations is intended for professionals in the field of public sector labor relations, for individuals in the field of public sector human resource management who wish to upgrade their skills in labor relations, for individuals interested in pursuing union leadership roles, or for those who are beginning their careers and wish to prepare for a career working in or with public sector labor relations.

Individuals may take these courses and earn the certificate part time without being formally enrolled in any degree program or may complete it as part of a graduate degree program.

Grading Policy

A grade of B- or better must be earned in each of the following classes to qualify for the certificate.


Required Courses
PAD 485Administrative Law and Management3
PAD 509Workplace Democracy3
or PAD 535 Public Administration Diversity
PAD 511Collective Bargaining3
PAD 568Labor Arbitration and Dispute Resolution3
Total Hours12