European and World History Concentration

The MA European and World History concentration enriches students’ experiences with in-depth study of the histories of regions and cultures beyond the United States. It provides students with broad comparative contexts for understanding local and global histories, particularly in areas of faculty expertise such as modern Europe, East Asia, the Middle East, and European and Near-East Antiquity. Students interpret the past through transnational, intercultural, and multidisciplinary perspectives. The concentration requires a thesis for the closure project, in which students research and write an original, argument-based work of historical scholarship.


UIS does not offer foreign languages instruction sufficient to qualify students in European or World History concentration for admission to most Ph.D. programs


European and World History Concentration Core Requirements
HIS 501Graduate History Colloquium3
HIS 503Researching and Writing History3
HIS 510Graduate Readings Seminar 13
HIS 510Graduate Readings Seminar 13
HIS 560Position Essay and Historiography8
or HIS 580 Thesis
Select one of the following:3
Public History Colloquium
American Material Life
Historic Environmental Preservation
Museum and Society
Archival Management
Graduate Readings Seminar
Museum/Historic Sites Methods
Oral History Methods
Select three of the following 2,312
ECCE: Democracy and Democratic Theory
Alexander the Great
ECCE: Cleopatra's Egypt
ECCE: Archaeology of Global Slavery
Rise of Rome
Caesar to Charlemagne
Ancient Sport and Spectacle
ECCE: Conflict in 19th Century Europe
Europe In The 20th Century
Topics in 20th Century World History
ECCE: The Pacific War: World War II in East Asia
Imperial Russia
Russia from the Revolution to the New Cold War
ECCE: Nationalism and Imperialism
Modern China
Premodern Japan
ECCE: From Vikings to Hackers: A Pirate's World History
Topics in Pre-Modern World History
Women in Chinese and Japanese History
Samurai in History and Romance
Cold War and the Middle East
ECCE: Exhibiting Asia: Trans-Pacific Material Culture
History of Christmas
Eastern Christianity
Graduate Readings Seminar 3
Elective History Course (American or Public History 43
Total Hours38

HIS 510 must be taken a minimum of two times; course topics vary.  Master's students are encouraged to take graduate seminars.


Student may fill up to 3 credit hours with HIS 599, pending faculty approval.


Students may take up to two additional HIS 510 courses provided the topics are different.


No more than 12 hours may be at the 400 level.