American History Concentration

The MA American History concentration stresses research and study of topics pertinent to the origins and development of the United States, the land, its people, and its place in the world. The concentration enables students to take seminar courses focused on specific facets of the U.S. past, reading extensively in the scholarly literature and building skills in research and historiographical analysis. Courses range from the colonial era through the present, and center on topics such as political history, cultural history, and the history of gender and sexuality. Students undertake a thesis for their closure projects, in which they research and write an original, argument-based work of historical scholarship.


American History Concentration Core Requirements
HIS 501Graduate History Colloquium3
HIS 503Researching and Writing History3
HIS 510Graduate Readings Seminar 13
HIS 510Graduate Readings Seminar 13
HIS 580Thesis8
Select one of the following:3
Public History Colloquium
American Material Life
Historic Environmental Preservation
Museum and Society
History and Digital Media
Oral History Methods
Select three of the following 2,312
African-American History
ECCE: Civil Rights Movement of the Twentieth Century
Colonial America
United States, 1790-1840
United States, 1840-1890
United States, 1890-1945
United States, 1945-Present
The Sixties
Topics In U.S. History
The Civil War and Reconstruction
American Urban History
Intellectual Origins of the American Revolution
American Political Thought from the Revolution to the 20th Century
ECCE: Sports and US History
UFOs & National Security History
Major Figures in History
ECCE: Women of Color and Minority Women
ECCE: History of the Family
Fashion History
ECCE: Rebels and Revolutionaries: Female Activism in the United States
Missions in Early America
Elective History Course (European, World, or Public history) 23
Total Hours38

HIS 510 must be taken a minimum of two times; course topics vary. Master’s students are encouraged to take graduate seminars.


No more than 12 hours may be at the 400 level.


Students may fill up to 3 credit hours of electives with HIS 599 pending faculty approval.