Clinical Mental Health Counseling Concentration

Students pursuing careers in Clinical Mental Health counseling should begin to explore relevant populations and settings when enrolled in HDC 501 . Course assignments thereafter should be designed to develop knowledge and skills specific to the emphasis chosen. In order to develop and demonstrate skills unique to their selected concentration, clinical mental health counseling students must take HDC 542, HDC 544, and two elective courses within the department curriculum. Clinical experience placements for clinical mental health counseling students will take place in approved community agencies.

The Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) concentration within the HDC program includes four additional courses (12 credit hours) beyond the core curriculum of 49 credit hours for a total of 61 required credit hours. 


Core Curriculum
HDC 501Fundamental Issues and Ethics in Counseling3
HDC 511Theories of Counseling3
HDC 512Prepracticum3
HDC 513Group Counseling3
HDC 515Multicultural Counseling3
HDC 521Developmental Counseling3
HDC 524Career/Lifestyle Counseling3
HDC 525Alcoholism and Substance Abuse3
HDC 533Family Dynamics3
HDC 543Crisis Intervention and Trauma in Counseling3
HDC 546Psychopathology and the DSM3
HDC 575Appraisal Techniques in Counseling3
HDC 577Research Methods3
HDC 585Comprehensive Examination Registration1
HDC 587Professional Experience: Practicum3
HDC 590Professional Experience: Internship6-10
Concentration Requirements
HDC 542Foundations of Clinical Mental Health Counseling3
HDC 544Social Justice and Advocacy in Counseling3
Choose two elective HDC courses from the following:6
Advanced Ethics and Legal Issues in Counseling
Developmental School Counseling
Critical Issues & Considerations in School Counseling
Introduction To Family Counseling
Child and Adolescent Counseling
Couple Counseling
Sexual Dysfunction and Family Violence
The Neurobiology of Trauma
Theories of Family Counseling
Total Hours61