

ACC 211. Introduction to Financial Accounting. 3 Hours.

Study of the basic principles, concepts, and procedures for collecting and recording accounting information, and preparation and analysis of financial statements. Examines the accounting cycle and accounting for assets, liabilities, and owners equity.

ACC 212. Introduction to Managerial Accounting. 3 Hours.

Study of the managerial accounting concepts and procedures that aid managers in planning operations, controlling activities, and making decisions for economic entities. Course Information: Prerequisite: ACC 211 or equivalent.

ACC 311. Administrative Uses of Accounting. 4 Hours.

For students whose objectives are to develop an understanding of uses of accounting information for planning, control, and decision making. Emphasizes accounting processes and measurements, significance and limitations of financial statements, and managerial accounting concepts and applications. Course Information: Not intended for students with Freshman or Sophomore standing.

ACC 321. Intermediate Financial Accounting I. 3 Hours.

Application of accounting theory to issues related to financial statements, assets, liabilities, and measurements of income. Topics include: accounting standards, the conceptual framework, accounting cycle, income statement, balance sheet, cash and receivables, time value of money, and other select accounts. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 211 and ACC 212, or equivalent with a grade of C or better.

ACC 322. Intermediate Financial Accounting II. 3 Hours.

Development and application of accounting measurement and reporting issues related to financial statements. Topics include: current and long-term liabilities, Stockholder's Equity and Dilutive securities, Revenue recognition, Investments and fair value measurements, Accounting for taxes, Accounting for leasing, Cashflow statements, Accounting changes and subsequent events. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 321 with a grade of C or better.

ACC 324. Intermediate Financial Accounting III. 3 Hours.

Development and application of accounting measurement and reporting issues related to financial statements. Special topics include investments, revenue recognition, accounting for income taxes, accounting for pensions, accounting for leases, accounting for changes and errors and full disclosure. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 322 with a grade of C or better.

ACC 335. Accounting Information Systems. 3 Hours.

Information system concepts, including accounting transaction cycles and documentation techniques for various technologies, recent trends impacting computerized accounting systems and data management tasks will be addressed, emphasis on design of systems that provide adequate internal control. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 211 and ACC 212, or equivalent with a grade of C or better, and familiarity with spreadsheet application software and database software.

ACC 390. Topics in Accountancy. 1-4 Hours.

Each topic covers a different accountancy concept and may include an intensive workshop. Course Information: May be repeated for an indefinite number of hours, but particular topics must differ.

ACC 421. Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting. 3 Hours.

Major concepts, principles, and objectives of accounting for governmental and other nonprofit entities, with major emphasis on external reporting issues. Course Information: Prerequisite: ACC 321 with a grade of C or better.

ACC 433. Intermediate Managerial Accounting. 3 Hours.

Evaluation of accounting information to assist internal management decision making and use of managerial accounting systems. Includes cost and profit behavior relationships, managerial decisions, costing systems, process costing, cost allocation, pricing decisions, activity-based costing, data analytic thinking and prediction, and performance measurement. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 211 and ACC 212, or equivalent with a grade of C or better.

ACC 443. Federal Taxation. 3 Hours.

Identify, analyze, and apply basic federal income tax concepts as they affect individuals. Topics include: methods of taxation, acquisition/disposition of assets, federal taxation of individuals, introduction to tax policy, tax planning for tax minimization strategies, including introduction to compensation and retirement planning. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 211 and ACC 212, or equivalent with a grade of C or better.

ACC 454. Regulation and the American Economy. 3 Hours.

Examination of the variety of ways in which economic and business activities are regulated by government agencies. Includes discussion of activities related to consumers in their everyday lives and are designed to protect customers and promote economic efficiency. Examines regulation matters in a number of industries including telecommunications, banking, health care, insurance, environmental issues, energy, railroads, and airlines.

ACC 464. Auditing Principles. 3 Hours.

Discussion of generally accepted auditing and attestation standards as promulgated by the various standard setters. Introduces the role of the attest function in society and provides knowledge of concepts and techniques underlying the audit process, including using audit data analytics and process mining tools and software. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 321 and ACC 335 with a grade of C or better.

ACC 466. Information Systems Auditing. 3 Hours.

Study of information technology auditing and management best practices of today's highly complex information systems environment. Includes the audit process, system development, project management, contracts, legal aspects, governance, internal controls, strategic planning, risk assessment, operation management, service desk management, security and disaster recovery planning. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 211 and ACC 212 or equivalent; ACC 335 or MIS 352, or instructor approval.

ACC 490. Topics in Accountancy. 1-4 Hours.

Each topic covers a different accountancy concept and may include an intensive workshop. Course Information: May be repeated for an indefinite number of hours, but particular topics must differ.

ACC 499. Tutorial. 1-4 Hours.

Intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or to her. Independent directed study. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours.

ACC 501. Advanced Utilities Regulation. 3 Hours.

Examination of the revenue requirement issues facing regulators and the managers of public utilities. Includes development of an understanding of regulation through an interdisciplinary approach - drawing on economics, finance, law and accounting to achieve an integrated understanding of regulation in our economic society. Course Information: ACC 501 will count only as Business and Administration Topics credit for the master's degree in Accountancy.

ACC 502. Advanced Utilities Regulation II. 3 Hours.

Examination of the pricing issues facing the managers and regulators of public utilities employing an interdisciplinary approach. Includes exploring the pricing and economic welfare aspects of rate design issues facing regulatory community and the variety of solutions both in theory and practice. Course Information: ACC 502 will count only as Business and Administrative Topics credit for the master's degree in Accountancy.

ACC 503. Advanced Regulation - Financial Issues. 3 Hours.

Discussion of the accounting and financial issues connected with the operation of regulated utility business. The focus is on the special accounting and financial aspects of operating a utility under the regulatory rules of the SEC, FASB and IRS.

ACC 504. Advanced Regulation - Capstone. 3 Hours.

Evaluation of policy problems utilizing an interdisciplinary approach. Includes a selection of cases to develop/understand the level of analysis and perspectives required to evaluate policies that are currently addressed by state and federal regulatory commissions. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 501, ACC 502, and ACC 503 with a grade of C or better. Will count only as Business and Administrative Topics credit for the master's degree in Accountancy.

ACC 505. Fundamentals of Business Decision Making. 4 Hours.

Discusses relevant elements of microeconomics and accounting as they apply to administrative justification of decisions. Topics include supply and demand, and fundamentals of financial and managerial accounting such as financial statements and profitability analysis.

ACC 508. Advanced Managerial Accounting. 3 Hours.

Study of planning and internal management decision making and the use of accounting systems for control. Topics include: budgeting, financial and nonfinancial measures of performance management, cost management, strategic managerial accounting (e.g., Balanced Scorecard), planning techniques, and data analytics.

ACC 509. Management Accounting. 3 Hours.

Study of planning and internal management decision making and the use of accounting systems for control. Course Information: This is a Core required course for MBA degree. Not accepted toward requirements of MA:ACC degree. Prerequisites: Completion of ACC 311 or equivalent; completion of or concurrent enrollment in ECO 315 or equivalent and BUS 501 (a prerequisite for MBA students only). Peoria cohort students must complete ACC 311 or equivalent and ECO 315 or equivalent prior to enrolling in this course. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield, Graduate - Peoria.

ACC 511. Accounting Research and Analytics. 3 Hours.

Development of accounting research skills employing accounting standards and guidance. Includes application of accounting analytics to estimating, forecasting, and predicting the effect of an event on entities’ performance; also, includes presentations and written reports on accounting issues. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 321.

ACC 512. Internal Auditing. 3 Hours.

This course studies the development of the assurance function as it relates to the internal audit profession. The course includes the study of financial statement assertions, audit evidence and documentation, audit sampling, internal control, internal audit standards, and the application of audit techniques. Course Information: Prerequisite: ACC 211 and ACC 212 with a grade of C or better, or instructor approval. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield, and Graduate - Peoria.

ACC 521. Seminar in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting. 3 Hours.

Analysis of the literature for accounting and reporting for governmental and nonprofit entities, including topics in financial analysis and disclosure quality. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 321 with a grade of C or instructor approval. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield, and Graduate - Peoria.

ACC 522. Seminar In Financial Accounting. 3 Hours.

Study of for-profit entity financial statements. Topics include: income measurement, asset valuation, liabilities, notes to the financial statements, stock compensation, cashflow statement, employee benefit plan accounting. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 322 with a grade of C or better or instructor approval.

ACC 523. Advanced Financial Accounting. 3 Hours.

Application of accounting concepts and principles to a variety of business problems and forms of business organizations including partnerships, business combinations, consolidations, and foreign currency transactions. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 324 with a grade of C or better, or instructor approval. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

ACC 524. Advanced Auditing. 3 Hours.

Discussion of auditing concepts/standards: risk assessment, developing planned responses, performing procedures to obtain/evaluate evidence, and forming conclusions/reports. Includes analytical procedures, internal controls, information technology, attestation and review engagements, and auditor responsibility. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 464 or equivalent with a grade of C or better. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

ACC 531. Forensic Accounting and Analytics. 3 Hours.

Develop an understanding of the fundamentals of forensic accounting, including its applications in fraud investigation and fraud prevention. Topics will include: leading practices, data analytics techniques, data mining, and artificial intelligence in executing forensic assignments.

ACC 535. Advanced Accounting Information Systems. 3 Hours.

Application of techniques and tools regarding implementing accounting information systems in an organization. Topics include: data modeling, databases, ERP systems, risk assessment, and ethical implications of information technology.

ACC 536. Data Analytics in Accounting. 3 Hours.

Development of an understanding of accounting analytics concepts and skills regarding analytic techniques, data mining, communication of accounting data analysis results, data ethics issues, and implication of changes in digital technologies on accounting and auditing fields.

ACC 544. Advanced Corporation and Partnership Taxation. 3 Hours.

Application of accounting concepts and principles to a variety of business problems and forms of business organizations including partnerships, business combinations, consolidations, and foreign currency transactions. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 324 with a grade of C or better, or instructor approval. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

ACC 546. Tax Research. 3 Hours.

Identify, analyze and apply advanced federal income tax concepts with major emphasis on the development of tax research skills. Other topics include tax planning and ethical responsibilities of a tax professional. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 443 or equivalent with a grade of C or better. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

ACC 563. Commercial Law I. 3 Hours.

Study of legal principles and procedures necessary to resolve problems inherent in business transactions with related accounting and auditing implications, emphasizing primary legal subjects important to professional accountants (e.g. contracts, sale of goods, commercial paper). Involves use of case studies and analysis. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 464, or equivalent with a grade of C or better or with instructor approval. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

ACC 564. Commercial Law II. 3 Hours.

Study of legal principles and procedures regarding secured transactions, real estate and debtor/creditor rights and remedies, bankruptcy, business entities including partnerships, corporations, and LLCs, Federal Securities Regulations and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, accountants' legal and professional responsibilities, real property, employment and estates and trusts. Further develops the use of written expression to analyze business transaction problems and report resolutions. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 464 or equivalent and ACC 563 with a grade of C or better or with instructor approval. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.

ACC 567. Business Ethics for Accountants and Executives. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to provide CPAs and those aspiring to become CPAs with principles and concepts necessary for them to understand and apply the ethics requirements of the AICPA's Code of Professional Conduct along with the ethics requirements of business and industry. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 464 or equivalent with a grade of C or better.

ACC 568. International Accounting. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to examine the causes and problems of worldwide diversity in accounting thoughts and practices; the evolution of regional and international harmonization and convergence strategies; comparative accounting, and international accounting issues of foreign currency translation, foreign financial statement analysis, auditing, and taxation; and managerial issues in international accounting. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 324 with a grade of C or better or instructor approval.

ACC 579. Fiduciary Tax. 3 Hours.

Examines the fiduciary's role in administering estates, trusts, guardianships, receiverships and individual's bankruptcy estates, qualifications, duties and liabilities of fiduciaries, accounting requirements of fiduciaries under State and Federal legislation, and study of Fiduciary tax reporting requirements and tax preparation methodology. Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 443 with a grade of C or better, or instructor approval. Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield, Graduate - Peoria.

ACC 583. Accounting Capstone. 3 Hours.

Evaluation of current topics in financial, managerial, taxation, auditing, and governmental accounting. Integrates knowledge gained from prior courses using cases, projects, and written and oral presentations. Students who do not complete the course must register for ACC 584 for zero credits (one billable hour) in each subsequent semester until capstone is completed. Course Information: Prerequisites: Full admission to program and 20 hours of MA: ACC courses.

ACC 584. Accounting Capstone Continuing Enrollment. 0 Hours.

Students who do not complete ACC 583 must register for ACC 584 for zero credits (one billable hour) in each subsequent semester until capstone is completed. May be repeated. Restricted to Accounting graduate degree seeking students only.

ACC 590. Advanced Topics in Accounting. 1-4 Hours.

Each topic covers a different accounting concept and may include an intensive workshop. Course Information: May be repeated for an indefinite number of hours, but particular topics must differ.

ACC 599. Tutorial. 1-4 Hours.

Intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or her. Independent directed study. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours.