Registration Information

Registration Procedures for All Students

Students should register through Student Self-Service (available via the Office of Records and Registration’s website). Though all students are encouraged to use Student Self-Service, assistance with the registration process is available by contacting the Office of Records and Registration. The dates and times of registration are posted each semester on the Office of Records and Registration's website (NOTE: students cannot add courses themselves during the late registration period; it is the student’s responsibility to contact the Office of Records and Registration to add courses during late registration, realizing that instructor approval is required for all courses and late fees apply). This site also contains information regarding current courses and up-to-date information about registration procedures, tuition and fees, and relevant deadlines.

Absence of Registered Student Due to Religious Beliefs

Any student in an institution of higher learning, other than a religious or denominational institution of higher learning, who is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study, or work requirement on a particular day shall be excused from any such examination, study, or work requirement and shall be provided with an opportunity to make up the examination, study, or work requirement that s/he may have missed because of such absence on a particular day; provided that the student notifies the faculty member or instructor well in advance of any anticipated absence or a pending conflict between a scheduled class and the religious observance, and provided that the make-up examination, study, or work does not create an unreasonable burden upon the institution. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to the student such an opportunity. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his or her availing himself or herself of the provisions of this section.

Emergency Information for Registered Students

In the event of an unavoidable emergency, students should go to the Emergencies page on the UIS website to view important emergency information for the campus.

Grading Option Changes

Students may change the grading option for those courses offered with more than one grading option. Changes include standard letter to credit/no credit and vice-versa, as well as changes to audit (note: changes to audit can only be made by contacting the Office of Records and Registration). Specific deadlines can be found on the Office of Records and Registration’s website.


Students who audit courses are required to pay full tuition and fees and are responsible for covering the charges incurred for the audited course(s). PLEASE NOTE, audited courses cannot be covered by any financial aid resources including federal, state, or institutional funds. Courses audited successfully appear on the transcript with the grade of AU. Credit for audited courses may not be established under any circumstances. The deadline for changing to audit grading is consistent with the last day to withdraw from a course. It is the student's responsibility to contact the Office of Records and Registration to change one or more courses to audit grading. Full-time students must include audit courses as part of the maximum load requirement. The instructor may determine that the audited course should not be placed on a student’s transcript if he or she does not attend class regularly. When enrollment in a course is limited, students enrolling for credit are admitted before audits are allowed.

Credit/No Credit

Students wishing to select the credit/no credit grading option (when available for a particular course) must officially register their intent by selecting that option via the online registration system before the course is three-fourths completed. No changes are accepted after the designated date. Limits on the number of hours earned under the credit/no credit option may be established by individual programs. Credit is awarded under this option to undergraduate work that represents a grade of C or better (grades of C- will not be accepted) or to graduate work that represents a grade of B or better (grades of B- will not be accepted). For lesser work, a grade of NC is recorded on the transcript. Courses taken for credit/no credit are not included in calculating the cumulative grade point average.

International Student Enrollment/Registration

Recently admitted students may register for classes before actually coming to UIS, provided they first submit all necessary documentation. Additional information regarding international student registration can be found on the International Student Services website. Please note that students are academically and financially responsible for any courses for which they register, even if their plans change and they do not attend UIS. All registration changes, including withdrawals, must be officially made using Student Self-Service (available via the Office of Records and Registration’s website). Due to federal reporting regulations, international students must be enrolled full-time by the fifth day of the summer semester and by the tenth day for fall and spring semesters.


Prerequisites, if any, are included in each course description and/or in the “Course Prerequisites” section for each program (if applicable).Students are responsible for completing all prerequisites. For some courses, the student registration system will prevent students from registering if prerequisites have not been completed. Regardless of whether or not the registration system prevents a student from enrolling in a course, the University will not be responsible for a student's failure to adhere to those prerequisites. Students who have not completed all prerequisites may be administratively withdrawn.

Registration Course Information:

Special Approval Courses

Some courses may have the notation “Instructor Approval Required” or “Departmental Approval Required” beneath the course title. In order to register for these courses, the student must contact the program office or the course instructor to obtain the appropriate permission. The approval must be entered electronically before the student will be allowed to register. Students MUST OFFICIALLY REGISTER for these types of courses. Students are NOT automatically registered for a course when the electronic permission is entered.

Wait-listed Courses

Selected courses may have a computerized wait list. When enrollment for a wait-listed course reaches the maximum capacity, students may add their names to the wait list using Student Self-Service. Students will be notified by the department of the specific deadline to register if space becomes available and electronic approval has been granted. Decisions for approval are generally made before the beginning of the course. Students should use Student Self-Service to remove their names from wait-listed courses in which they no longer wish to enroll.

Registration Holds/Enrollment Restrictions

Students who have holds are responsible for clearing them prior to registration. Examples of holds include parking, library, financial, short-term loan, health, admissions, and program restrictions. In addition, students must abide by the various enrollment restrictions listed below:


Students registering for more than eight semester hours for summer or 18 semester hours for fall or spring must have approval of their academic programs.


Students on academic probation must meet with their academic advisor each semester they are on probation. Students on probation are restricted to no more than six semester hours for summer and 12 semester hours for fall or spring. Students who have been academically suspended from UIS must complete an Appeal of Academic Suspension form to be reinstated. It is the responsibility of the student to file the appeal, which must be approved by the student’s advisor, program chair, and academic dean. If approved, the conditions of probation apply.

Registration Priority

Registration priority is generally limited to currently enrolled students. Registration will be determined according to the schedule listed on the calendar associated with the upcoming semester (summer, fall, or spring). Hours are based on courses completed PRIOR to the current semester. Students who do not register on their designated dates may register AFTER designated dates. New students and continuing students not enrolled for the current semester will be allowed to register following the priority registration period.

Repeating Courses

At the end of each semester, the Office of Records and Registration reviews academic history information and marks repeated courses according to the guidelines listed below for undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students. In order for one course to serve as a repeat of another, both courses must have been completed at UIS with the same course prefix, number, credit hours, and title. If any of these items differ, but the content of the two courses is the same, a Student Petition must be approved by the student’s academic advisor and the department chair of the program in which the course was offered. Please note that when there is a credit variance of more than one hour between the original course and the course being repeated, the second course cannot serve as a repeat of the first under any circumstances. If a student feels that a particular repeat has not been appropriately marked or has questions about repeating courses, the student should contact the Office of Records and Registration.

Undergraduate students may have restrictions on the number of times a particular course may be repeated depending on a student’s academic program. When a student repeats a course in which a grade was earned, the second grade will appear on the transcript; the first grade will be replaced with an “R” (repeat) designation and will not count in determining a grade point average. Subsequent repeats will appear on the transcript and will be used in calculating the GPA.

Master’s students may repeat graduate course work once (excluding master’s project or thesis credit) without penalty unless the academic program does not permit course repeats. The grade and hours earned when the course is repeated will appear on the transcript. The first grade will be replaced with an “R” (repeat) designation and will not count in determining grade point average. Subsequent repeats will appear on the transcript and will be used in calculating the GPA.

Doctoral students may repeat doctoral course work once (excluding dissertation credit) without penalty. The grade and hours earned when the course is repeated will appear on the transcript. The first grade will be replaced with an “R” (repeat) designation and will not count in determining the grade point average. Subsequent repeats will appear on the transcript and will be used in calculating the GPA.

Student Classification

Undergraduate students are classified into the following categories based upon the number of hours earned:

Freshmen Less than 30 hours of credit
Sophomores 30 to 59.99 hours of credit
Juniors 60 to 89.99 hours of credit
Seniors 90 or more hours of credit

Graduate students are those working toward a master’s or doctoral degree or certificate.

Student Schedules

Students are encouraged to access Student Self-Service to view or print their class schedule and make necessary changes before the beginning of the appropriate term. Printed schedules will NOT be mailed to students. A student schedule is not a bill.


Tutorials are intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or her.

Unique Registration Program:

Concurrent Enrollment/Registration

Students who plan to enroll for courses on more than one University of Illinois campus must obtain information and forms regarding concurrent enrollment by contacting the Office of Records and Registration.

Intercampus Enrollment/Registration

The Intercampus Enrollment program is intended to give students at one campus of the University of Illinois the opportunity to take advantage of educational opportunities unique to another campus of the University without having to formally transfer. It is not designed to replace concurrent enrollment or transfer. The program also provides for summer enrollment at another U of I campus should financial aid be required. Students should contact the Office of Records and Registration for additional information and enrollment forms.

Undergraduate/Graduate Concurrent Enrollment

An undergraduate student within 16 hours of completing all bachelor’s degree requirements may enroll in undergraduate and graduate courses concurrently. Undergraduate students taking courses for graduate credit will be evaluated at the graduate level. Students must complete a Student Petition and have it signed by the instructor of the graduate course (if the course is at the 400-level), the graduate advisor, department chair, and dean. Graduate courses will be so designated when the bachelor’s degree is granted, but this does not imply admission to the graduate program in which the course was taken.

Students seeking financial aid funding should contact the UIS Office of Financial Assistance to discuss their situation as limitations exist on awarding financial aid.

Undergraduate Enrollment in Graduate Courses

An undergraduate student who wishes to enroll in 500-level courses for credit must obtain the approval of the student’s faculty advisor and work with the course instructor to have the necessary electronic approval entered. The student’s work will be evaluated at the graduate level. Credits earned by undergraduates permitted to enroll in graduate courses may be counted toward graduate degree requirements if they are not applied to a student’s undergraduate degree.

University Sanctioned Events Policy

This policy provides guidelines for students and faculty of the University of Illinois Springfield to address absence(s) due to participation in university sanctioned events. The complete policy can be found on the Policies & Resources website.


Administrative Withdrawals

Students are responsible for knowing and adhering to the policies, deadlines, and procedures related to withdrawals (see "Student Withdrawals" below). On rare occasions, a student can be administratively withdrawn. Students who do not fulfill all course prerequisites or who fail to provide all necessary immunization documents may be administratively withdrawn. In addition, the Dean of Students (or designee), consistent with the processes and procedures outlined in the UIS Student Conduct Code, may initiate an administrative withdrawal for students who have been disciplinarily suspended or expelled from UIS.   

Student Withdrawals

Students may terminate registration in a course by officially withdrawing by the deadlines posted each semester. All withdrawals from courses must be made officially according to procedures outlined on the Office of Records and Registration’s website. Non-attendance or non-payment does not constitute an official withdrawal. Students are financially responsible for all courses not officially dropped according to the policy and deadlines indicated. Specific deadlines will be published each term on the Office of Records and Registration’s website.  No withdrawals will be processed after the published deadlines. When the withdrawal occurs after 10 percent of a course has passed, a "W" appears on the transcript for the course from which the student withdrew. No notation appears on the transcript when the withdrawal occurs during the first 10 percent of a course. Students who fail to withdraw officially from a course at any point will be assigned a failing grade.

See the Office of Records and Registration’s website for more specific information about withdrawals. Please note that withdrawing from some or all courses may have academic and/or financial implications.