UIS Immunization Requirements 2024-2025

Contact Information

Website: www.uis.edu/health-services
Email: uishealthservice@uis.edu
Office Phone: (217) 206-6676
Office Location: HRB 64

Immunization Requirements for Students: FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING WILL RESULT IN A NON-COMPLIANT STATUS, INCLUDING A HOLD AND NON- REFUNDABLE FEE ON THE STUDENT ACCOUNTAll requirements must be on file with Health Services in HRB 64 before 5:00 p.m. by the 10th day of class each semester. See the UIS Immunization Requirements webpage for a detailed version of this policy.

Purpose: To prevent the induction and spread of vaccine-preventable diseases among students and the surrounding community.

Policy: All students taking one credit hour or more, including those on the Peoria campus, born January 1, 1957, or after, are required by Illinois law and the University of Illinois Springfield to provide proof of immunizations.

Exceptions: Students born before 1957 are exempt from the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) requirement only. Students taking ONLINE-ONLY PROGRAM/COURSES (excluding remote) classes are exempt from submitting all requirements.

  • All students must complete the Health Services "Required Immunization Information" acknowledgment accessible through the UIS Application Status Page checklist or in the Patient Portal under the Forms Tab.
  • Domestic students must submit the required immunizations by sending us a copy of a signed and dated school immunization record (from your high school, previous University, military record, or child health immunization record).
  • Students who were not born in the US must provide an International Certificate of Vaccination as approved by WHO: World Health Organization. This document is required as evidence for immunizations administered outside of the United States.
  • Students not born in the US must have a Tuberculosis screening before the deadline. Health Services will review and determine during the TB Screening if you are at risk of TB. If the risk of TB is present, the student will be required to complete the QFG TB blood test or T-Spot TB Blood test. A certified English Translation must accompany all medical records.
  • Immunizations: Students must provide proof of 2 MMR's: 30 days apart, the first one being on or after the first birthday, and 3 TDs: the second dose must be at least 28 days after the first dose the third dose must be at least six months after the second dose. One dose must be a Tdap, and the last dose must be within the previous 10 years. Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Tdap) and Tetanus-Diphtheria (TD) titers are not acceptable proof of immunity; actual proof of these immunizations is required. The Meningococcal conjugate vaccine is required for all students under 22 years old; one dose on or after the 16th birthday.

Waivers: Students may request a waiver based on religious grounds by completing the IDPH Certificate of Religious Exemption located on the Illinois Department of Public Health web site, which MUST be completed and signed by the students' primary care provider. General philosophical or moral objection to immunization is not sufficient for a waiver on religious grounds.

  • If a medical waiver is requested, documentation of medical reasons, date waiver ends (if applicable), and the physician's signature is required. Immunization requirements and additional information are available on the Health Services website. (www.uis.edu/health-services).

Processes/Procedures/Guidelines: Students who were not born in the US must schedule an appointment with Health Services for a tuberculosis screening to determine if a TB blood test/T-Spot blood test is necessary unless they provide prior treatment documentation. There is a charge for the blood test if completed in Health Services. TB Skin Tests (PPD) are NOT acceptable.

  • Proof of Freedom from Tuberculosis is required for all students who are New International Students (not born in the US). There are NO exemptions from the T-Spot tuberculin blood test/QuantiFERON Gold blood test
  • QuantiFERON Gold blood test, must be done within 6 months of your enrollment date (for testing outside the U.S.) or within 1 year of your enrollment date (for testing within the U.S.) A copy of that record must be uploaded to the Patient's Portal. Addition information on the QuantiFERON Gold blood test, is available on the Health Service website.
  • Any medical record documents submitted must be certified in translation English
  • Students who have a positive TB blood test will be asked to return to Health Services within 5 business days and ordered to complete a chest x-ray within 5 business days. Students who have a prior history of TB or receiving treatment for TB should bring copies of all previous treatment/medical records to their screening appointment.

Immunization and health records should be submitted by: Uploading to Patient Portal (located on the Health Service website, (www.uis.edu/health-services).

Important Deadlines:

In order to avoid a $35 late processing fee, immunization records must be UPLOADED by your 1st semester. It is not necessary to upload these records each semester, however it is the students responsibility to remain compliant. It is not a requirement for ONLINE ONLY students do not have to provide these records, however if you are taking 1 or more on ground credit hours this is a requirement. Visit Health Service website.

TO AVOID A HOLD AND NON-REFUNDALBE FEE PLACED ON YOUR STUDENT ACCOUNT. Tuberculosis screening must be completed by the tenth day of class for the fall and spring semesters and the fifth day of class for the summer semester.