Study Away Program

Contact Information

Phone: (217) 206-8319
Location: BRK 483

The Study Away Program (SAP) supports engaged learning experiences for UIS students to participate across the United States and around the world. SAP primary service areas include: study away programs; international faculty and staff application assistance for visas and permanent residency; and consultation and support for faculty, departments and colleges interested in exploring and developing USA and international initiatives.

SAP offers a variety of study away student opportunities with some hosted by UIS and others by university partners and university networks. Program models include:

  • Short-Term UIS Faculty-led Program (semester break, spring break, or summer)

  • International Student Exchange Program (ISEP) & Partner Direct Enroll Programs & SAP; summer and semester; ISEP, Partner Institution & SAP

  • UIS Partner Programs; 1-2 semesters; partner institution & SAP

  • UIS Non-Affiliate Independent Programs; varies – short-term, semester; university network

  • National Student Exchange Program (NSE); semester, university network

Study Away engaged learning experiences can facilitate developing real-world competitive advantages over those who do not study away, such as those below:

  • Increase fluency in another language.

  • Acquire a broader cultural perspective.

  • Obtain a better understanding of the thoughts and opinions of others.

  • Enhance ability to achieve goals independently.

  • Develop unique employability skills that set students apart and can be incorporated to enhance resumes.

All Study Away courses require instructor approval prior to registration. Students completing courses offered under the auspices of SAP receive ECCE Engagement Experience credit and may request ECCE Global Awareness credit by submitting a Student Petition for UNI 460, UNI 470, UNI 480.

Beyond offering student programs, SAP is also involved with U.S. and international online education, collaborates with universities globally by creating university affiliation agreements, supports visiting and permanent international faculty and staff in applying for visas and permanent residency, and oversees compliance with the U of I Board of Trustees International Travel Safety Policy which promotes the safety and security of those traveling outside the United States for system-related and approved activities. 


Study Away Program
UNI 262ECCE: Global Experience Program: Immigration and Human Trafficking3
UNI 460ECCE: Global Experience Seminar1-12
UNI 470ECCE: Global Experience Exchange4-18
UNI 480ECCE: Global Experience Program4-18