Women and Gender Studies Minor

To earn a minor in Women and Gender Studies, students must complete a minimum of 15 semester hours. The program may approve the transfer of no more than two lower-division courses, and at least seven hours must be upper-division course work taken at the University of Illinois Springfield. Students must take at least one course in each area outlined below (foundation, diverse voices, theory, and elective).

All substitutions must be approved by the WGS academic advisor.


Foundation Course3-4
Select one of the following:
Women and Gender in Mexico and the US
ECCE: Introduction to Women and Gender Studies
Diverse Voices3-4
ECCE: LGBTQ People in U.S.
WGS 324
ECCE: Black Women in Film History
ECCE: Women of Color and Minority Women
ECCE: Women Across Cultures
Feminist Theories
An elective approved by your WGS advisor by petition
Total Hours15