Sociology Minor

To earn a minor in Sociology, students must complete a minimum of 15 credit hours, including two core courses and at least two elective courses. Classes used to complete the minor cannot also be used to satisfy degree requirements in the student’s major, but they may indeed count toward ECCE requirements.


Core Courses
SOA 101Introduction to Sociology3
or SOA 221 Social Problems
SOA 405Sociocultural Theories4
or SOA 411 Social Research Methods
Elective Courses8
Select at least two elective courses in SOA, one of which must be chosen from the list below. At least one elective must be at the 300 or 400 level.
Social Problems
American Society
Sociology of the Family
ECCE: Introduction to Race & Ethnicity in the U.S.
Juvenile Delinquency
ECCE: Working USA and the 99%
The Media" and You: Perspectives from Media Sociology
ECCE: Introduction to Women and Gender Studies
ECCE: LGBTQ People in U.S.
ECCE: Latina/o/x USA
Jazz in American Culture
Social Psychology: Sociological Perspectives
Dance and American Culture
Sociocultural Theories
Feminist Theories
Social Research Methods
Criminological Theory
Environmental Sociology
Law and Inequality
Sociology of Organizations
ECCE: Women and Work
ECCE: Global Social Stratification
Mexican Migration to the U. S.
ECCE: Women of Color and Minority Women
Family Law
Sociology of Mental Health/Illness
Topics in Sociology/Anthropology
Sociology of Death, Dying, and Bereavement
Total Hours15