Social Work


SWK 322. Introduction to Social Work. 3 Hours.

Survey of the history and development of social work in terms of its major components: values; philosophy and ethics; clientele; individual, group, and community; helping concepts; levels of professional competence; the use of self; professional communication skills; major issues and problems; and professional roles. Students will evaluate themselves relative to their choice of the social work profession. Course Information: This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

SWK 323. Intro to Social Work - Lab. 1 Hour.

This course is a one-credit practicum for students taking SWK 322. The lab offers an opportunity for students to practice basic skills in a community agency. Students must complete 30 hours in the field, under the direction of the course instructor. Will not count toward fieldwork hours.

SWK 333. Human Behavior in the Social Environment. 4 Hours.

Survey of human development from conception to death in terms of biological, psychological, and social influences. The major schools of thought regarding the person in his/her environment will be covered. Course Information: Prerequisites: SWK 322, or concurrent enrollment.

SWK 344. Social Work Practice I. 4 Hours.

Examination of social work generalist skills for the purpose of developing beginning practice competency in the differential use of self, self awareness, assessment, and the use of relationship. Coverage of case management issues, preparation of documents, and techniques for overcoming barriers to helping will be covered. Initiating and terminating helping relationships and intervention within diverse problem contexts will be examined. Includes lab experience. Course Information: Prerequisites: SWK 322, or concurrent enrollment.

SWK 348. Violence Against Women and Children. 3 Hours.

Explores the two most common crimes against women and children: sexual assault and abuse and domestic violence. Examines nature and frequency of these assaults, legal definitions and treatment, victim and survivor experiences, criminal justice and social service responses, offender characteristics, victim services and treatment, and local community resources. May be taught online; check schedule. Course Information: Same as CCJ 348 and WGS 348.

SWK 355. Social Welfare Policies and Services. 4 Hours.

Survey of the history and development of the American social welfare system, major programs, and structures for delivering public and voluntary social services. Issues, professional social work roles, and the functions of social work in our society will be examined. Principles of economics will be reviewed. Course Information: Prerequisites: SWK 322.

SWK 366. ECCE: Beyond Bias: Racism, Sexism and Heterosexism. 4 Hours.

Interdisciplinary examination of the concepts of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, and disability in terms of causes and effects of social problems. Particular emphasis on personal and cultural attitudes towards inclusion and diversity; envisioning a just, equitable society. Course Information: Same as WGS 366. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of U.S. Communities.

SWK 377. Social Work Practice II. 4 Hours.

Examination of generalist practice related to group and family intervention. Training in group process, assessment, and intervention. Instruction in family dynamics, interviewing, and assessment. Includes lab experience. Course Information: Prerequisites: SWK 333 and SWK 344.

SWK 382. ECCE: Introduction to Women and Gender Studies. 4 Hours.

Introduction to basic concepts and terminology in Women and Gender Studies: history of women's movements; feminist theories and concepts; issues such as socialization, work, violence, sexuality, marriage, media representation. Course Information: Same as SOA 301 and WGS 301. Not intended for first year students. Students enrolled in WGS 301 or SOA 301 or SWK 382 cannot also enroll in WGS 133 or SOA 133. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of U.S. Communities.

SWK 425. Social Work and Substance Abuse. 4 Hours.

Introduction to the field of alcoholism and substance abuse. Topics include definitions; the physiological, psychological, and sociological aspects of addiction; treatment issues; and prevention and education programs.

SWK 430. Social Work Research Methods. 4 Hours.

Survey of basic social science research concepts, research designs, data collection and analysis. Students formulate and implement a research project. The relevance of social research to the provision of human services will be covered. Course Information: Prerequisites: SWK 344.

SWK 433. Social Work Practice III. 4 Hours.

Survey of the basic concepts and skills involved in macro-level social work practice. The focus will be on developing the basic skills required to engage in political advocacy, service learning and community organization practice. Social and economic justice issues will be emphasized. Includes community activities. Course Information: Prerequisites: SWK 355 and SWK 377.

SWK 434. Senior Seminar. 4 Hours.

Capstone course for social work majors. Involves a final project in which seniors integrate skills and knowledge across the curriculum to propose a comprehensive social work program. Analysis of the professional social work code of ethics - and values - in relation to the practice areas covered in the social work curriculum. Course Information: Prerequisites: SWK 377.

SWK 441. Poverty, Law, and Justice. 3,4 Hours.

Addresses questions concerning what poverty is and why it exists. Will consider historical and current legal approaches to the problem of poverty, including an examination of welfare policies in the U.S. and their implications with respect to societal well-being, individual rights, and justice. Discussion of the intersection of race, gender, and poverty, and possible solutions to the problem. Course Information: Same as PSC 441, LES 441, and WGS 441.

SWK 446. Family Law. 3,4 Hours.

Topics include divorce, domestic violence, illegitimacy, adoption, child support and custody, parental control, abuse and neglect laws, issues affecting the elderly, domestic law reform, and the impact of the women's rights movement. Course Information: Same as HDC 446, SOA 454, LES 446, and WGS 446. Not for Freshman or Sophomores.

SWK 450. ECCE: Field Work. 4-8 Hours.

Direct services in an approved social service organization, under the supervision of an approved field work supervisor, in conjunction with a field work seminar. The focus will be on social work methods and generalist practice. There will be continuous emphasis on the application of knowledge to practice. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours. Prerequisites: SWK 322, SWK 333, SWK 344, SWK 355, SWK 366, SWK 377; prerequisite or concurrent enrollment: SWK 430, SWK 433, SWK 434 and admission to field experience. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of Engagement Experience.

SWK 454. ECCE: History of the Family. 4 Hours.

The modern family in comparative and historical perspective. Selected themes -- changing patterns of household, intimacy, gender -- explored historically to understand their present importance. Course Information: Same as HIS 454, and WGS 454. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of U.S. Communities.

SWK 461. ECCE: International Social Work. 3 Hours.

Travel course for students to gain exposure to foreign cultures, emphasizing issues of social welfare and social services. Varies depending upon the country visited. Always includes attendance at an international conference or a substantial learning component. Includes tours of museums, social service agencies, and language instruction. Course Information: This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience at UIS in the area of Global Awareness.

SWK 462. ECCE: Women of Color and Minority Women. 4 Hours.

This course examines the experiences of African American, Latina, Asian American, indigenous, and immigrant women in the U. S. By placing women of color at the center, we explore ways of transforming knowledge about culture and society. We also address issues facing other minorities (lesbians and disabled, poor, rural, and aging women). Course Information: Same as AAS 403, HIS 453, SOA 451, and WGS 403. This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of U.S. Communities.

SWK 481. Perspectives on Child Maltreatment and Advocacy. 3,4 Hours.

Covers the history, comparative perspectives, legal framework, responses to child maltreatment, the skills necessary to do the work, and other pertinent issues pertaining to child maltreatment and child advocacy. The approach of the course will be from a variety of diverse, professional perspectives. The course is designed for students majoring in public administration, criminal justice, psychology, social work, sociology, legal studies or other areas where knowledge of child maltreatment and advocating for children might be necessary or beneficial. Course Information: Same as CCJ 481, PAD 481, PSY 481 and TEP 481.

SWK 499. Tutorial. 1-12 Hours.

Intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or her.