History Minor

To earn a minor in History, students must complete a minimum of 17 semester hours, including 14 hours of upper-division course work at UIS. Transfer credit is evaluated on a case-by-case basis through a Student Petition.


Students should consult with a History Department faculty member in designing and meeting the requirements for a minor.

Grading Policy

History courses for which the student has attained a grade of C or better will be applied toward the HIS minor (grades of C- or lower will not be counted). History courses taken as CR/NC will be applied toward the minor if a grade of CR is attained. Courses may be repeated for grade improvement only once without seeking department approval.


Lower-Division Requirements
One course emphasizing historical regions or themes
Select one course from the following region or theme options:4
World History
Making of the West
Gods & Heroes of Early Europe
The History of Everywhere
Comparative Religion
Topics in Comparative Religion
European History
History of Russia: Peter I to Putin
United States
U.S. History to 1877
U.S. History Since 1877
American Immigration History
Middle East
Topics in Middle Eastern History
Introduction to the Modern Middle East
Women in the Middle East
Upper-Division Requirements
HIS 301The Historian's Craft3
Select one Upper-Division History Elective Course in non-U.S. History from the following: 13-4
Topics in Warfare
ECCE: Culture Wars/Europe
Islamic Civilization
ECCE: Reading Arab Pasts
ECCE: Conflict in the Middle East
ECCE: Christian-Muslim Encounters
ECCE: Democracy and Democratic Theory
Alexander the Great
ECCE: Cleopatra's Egypt
ECCE: Archaeology of Global Slavery
Rise of Rome
Caesar to Charlemagne
Ancient Sport and Spectacle
Studies in Latin American History
ECCE: Conflict in 19th Century Europe
Europe In The 20th Century
Topics in 20th Century World History
ECCE: The Pacific War: World War II in East Asia
Imperial Russia
Russia from the Revolution to the New Cold War
ECCE: Nationalism and Imperialism
Modern China
Premodern Japan
ECCE: From Vikings to Hackers: A Pirate's World History
Topics in Pre-Modern World History
Women in Chinese and Japanese History
Samurai in History and Romance
Cold War and the Middle East
ECCE: Exhibiting Asia: Trans-Pacific Material Culture
History of Christmas
Eastern Christianity
Upper-Division History Electives
Options: Any 300-level or 400-level HIS course not used to fulfill another HIS minor requirement7
Total Hours17-18

Student may fill up to 4 credit hours or upper-division core requirements with HIS 499, pending faculty approval.