Individualized Concentration

Students who want to tailor course selections for personal interest, or to meet requirements for admission to a specific institution or profession, should consider the Individualized Concentration. It is recommended that students interested in the Individualized Concentration consult with their academic advisor to discuss course planning and goals. Students admitted into the online Psychology B.A. program are required to complete the Individualized Concentration. 

Foundation Course Requirement

Principles of Psychology
This is a foundation course for the psychology major and should be completed prior to taking other psychology courses. An equivalent transfer course with a grade of C or better may be accepted to fulfill this requirement. Grades of C- or lower will not be accepted.

Concentration Requirements

Core Courses (8 hours)
PSY 301Orientation and Entrance Assessment0
PSY 302Research Methods in Psychology4
PSY 471Senior Seminar4
Concentration Courses 128
Total Hours36

Select 28 hours of psychology courses at UIS, with the exception of PSY 101, to fulfill this concentration. Be mindful when choosing concentration and elective courses that 48 hours of upper division (300-400 level) credit is required to graduate.