Pre-Medical Concentration

Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) majors can formalize their preparation for medical school by earning the MLS Pre-Medical Concentration. This designation will appear on the transcript. Students are not required to complete the MLS Pre-Medical Concentration in order to apply to medical school. 

Students must complete MLS Pre-Medical Concentration requirements, in addition to MLS prerequisite courses and MLS major courses, to complete the Bachelor of Science in MLS degree with the Pre-Medical Concentration. If an MLS Pre-Medical Concentration student's preferred medical  schools require prerequisite course work other than that required by the MLS Pre-Medical Concentration, the student may request other pre-medical-related course work be petitioned to satisfy MLS Pre-Medical Concentration requirements. 


Required Courses
ASP 201University Physics I4
ASP 202University Physics II4
CHE 268Organic Chemistry I Laboratory 11
CHE 269Organic Chemistry II3
CHE 271Organic Chemistry II Lab1
MAT 115Calculus I4
Select at least four hours from the following:4
Cell Biology
Human Disease
Human Physiology
Total Hours21

CHE 268 in an MLS prerequisite course