Exercise Science Physical Therapy Track

This track provides additional courses that help fulfill the requirements of most graduate level allied health programs, such as physical and occupational therapy, physician assistant programs, and other graduate programs such as the Master of Public Health and Athletic Training. The flexibility of this major makes it easy for students to meet their needs and interests for graduate work, while also learning the essentials of Exercise Science.


Required Core Courses
EXR 201Introduction to Exercise Science3
EXR 212Medical Terminology3
EXR 222Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Physiology3
EXR 233Personal Health and Wellness3
EXR 301Motor Learning3
EXR 302Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries3
EXR 325Evidence-Based Research Concepts3
EXR 329Kinesiology and Biomechanics3
EXR 331Physiology of Exercise and Sport4
EXR 352Health Promotion and Disease Prevention3
EXR 483Seminar in Exercise Science3
EXR 498Senior Exit Assessment0
MLS 225Nutrition3
Required Courses; Physical Therapy Track 122-32
Psychology - Life span and Abnormal
Lifespan Developmental Psychology
and Abnormal Psychology
PA: Biochemistry; Microbiology w/Lab 2
Applied Microbiology
and Applied Microbiology Lab
General Biochemistry
PT: Any ASP, BIO, CHE w/ Lab from the following 2
General Biology I
General Biology II
Basics of Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Basics of Human Anatomy and Physiology II
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry II
EXR Electives (6 hours; Any non-core EXR course)
BIO 201
BIO 202
Basics of Human Anatomy and Physiology I
and Basics of Human Anatomy and Physiology II
CHE 141General Chemistry I4
COM 112Oral Communication3
ENG 101Rhetoric and College Writing3
ENG 102College Writing and Civic Engagement3
MAT 115Calculus I4
MAT 121Applied Statistics3
PSY 101Principles of Psychology3
SOA 101Introduction to Sociology3
Freshman Seminar (Humanities or Social Science) 3
Comparative Societies (Humanities or Social Science) 3
Humanities 3
Visual/Creative/Performing Arts (Humanities) 3
ECCE (Speaker Series, Global Awareness, US Communities, Engagement Experience Electives) 10
Electives 12
Total Hours127-137

Requirements will be different depending on the graduate-level program that is selected.


Some elective courses will also be used to satisfy Exercise Science program requirements. Students should work closely with advisor(s) to ensure all program requirements are met.