Exercise Science


EXR 101. Healthcare and Science Careers. 2 Hours.

This course is designed to introduce students to the various careers of the healthcare industry. Students will gain knowledge in educational requirements, employment settings, common duties and responsibilities, and career development options.

EXR 183. Stress: Care, Consequences, and Coping. 3 Hours.

This course will examine stress from psychological and biological perspectives. Three specific aspects of the stress process will be emphasized. First, how do sleep and exercise influence the symptoms of stress? Second, how do acute and chronic stressors affect the mind and body? Third, how does social support and reappraisal affect perceived stress? Course Information: This course fulfills a general education requirement at UIS in the area of First-Year Seminar and in the area of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

EXR 201. Introduction to Exercise Science. 3 Hours.

This is an introductory course to the field of exercise science. This course will define the field of Exercise Science and the many associated sub-disciplines. Students will also learn about research, as well as career opportunities and paths related to exercise science.

EXR 212. Medical Terminology. 3 Hours.

Introduces students to the specialized language of medicine. Students will gain an understanding of basic elements, rules of building and analyzing medical words, and medical terms associated with the body as a whole. Utilizing a systems-approach, the student will define, interpret, and pronounce medical terms relating to structure and function, pathology, diagnosis, clinical procedures, oncology and pharmacology. In addition to medical terms, common abbreviations applicable to each system will be interpreted.

EXR 222. Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Physiology. 3 Hours.

This course provides an in depth study of the anatomy and physiology of the muscular and skeletal systems for students interested in careers focusing on physical activity. Students will learn how to navigate the body, identify common structures, and explore normal and pathophysiologic aspects of motion.

EXR 233. Personal Health and Wellness. 3 Hours.

This introductory course will provide an overview of topics and issues pertaining to the health and wellness of individuals. This course is designed to expose students to a broad range of issues and information relating to the various aspects of personal health, which include the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and environmental aspects.

EXR 301. Motor Learning. 3 Hours.

Designed to provide students an overview of learning theories and practice in motor learning. Students will develop an understanding of the cognitive, behavioral, neurophysiological approaches to motor skill.

EXR 302. Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries. 3 Hours.

Current methods in prevention, recognition, and management of physical activity and sport related injuries. Course Information: Prerequisites: EXR 222.

EXR 303. Group Exercise Leadership. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to provide students with leadership skills and experience that directly apply to group exercise programming. Topics include current trends in group exercise, program design and implementation, monitoring exercise, evaluation of existing programs, and administrative considerations.

EXR 313. Stress Management. 3 Hours.

Theories and principles of stress with an emphasis on interventions and techniques to manage stress. Application and practice of various stress management techniques to lifestyle, occupational, personal, and age-related issues.

EXR 325. Evidence-Based Research Concepts. 3 Hours.

This course will focus on outlining the foundation of evidence-based practice in health sciences. The students will gain a basic understanding of principles in evidence-based practice and how to incorporate those principles into clinical practice. Course Information: Same as MLS 325.

EXR 329. Kinesiology and Biomechanics. 3 Hours.

An applied study of human performance, including musculoskeletal actions, analysis of sports skills, and training and conditioning techniques, with application of mechanical laws and principles to basic performance patterns. Course Information: Prerequisites: EXR 222 or equivalent.

EXR 331. Physiology of Exercise and Sport. 4 Hours.

This course provides an understanding of the acute responses and chronic adaptations of the body to the stresses of exercise. Topics include bioenergetics, circulatory, respiratory and neuromuscular responses to exercise and sport. Emphasis will be placed upon the practical application of exercise physiology principles to coaching, education and other physical training practices. Basic laboratory procedures/tests in the field of exercise physiology are designed to complement the lecture. Course Information: Prerequisites: BIO 201 and BIO 202 or equivalent.

EXR 335. Nutrition for Exercise and Sport. 3 Hours.

Provides a scientific foundation in the basic principles of sports nutrition. Basic nutrition concepts, energy expenditure during various types of exercise, diet during training, food recommendations, discussion on supplements and ergogenic aids, recommendations for various performance groups. An excellent course for athletes, coaches and active people. Course Information: Prerequisites: MLS 225.

EXR 341. ECCE: Sport and Society. 3 Hours.

Sport is one of the world's most influential institutions. This is an interdisciplinary approach to explore, analyze, explain the role that sport plays for individuals, societies, cultures. Topics include: individual's experience of sport, the role of social constructs in sport, the interplay of sport and institutions. Course Information: This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of U.S. Communities.

EXR 352. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the major issues in health promotion and disease prevention throughout the lifecourse. This includes strategies for promoting health and wellness, understanding mortality and morbidity, in addition to various epidemiological terminology. Behavioral and environmental contributions to illness and injury, as well as strategies for risk reduction will also be discussed. Course Information: Prerequisites: EXR 233.

EXR 363. Exercise and Sport Psychology. 4 Hours.

This course allows students to be exposed to the psychological aspects associated with participation in sport and exercise. Theories of sport and exercise behavior will be examined and various techniques will be discussed in relation to individual, group, situational and cultural influences on sport and exercise behavior.

EXR 375. Principles of Strength and Conditioning. 4 Hours.

Introduces students to the science/physiology of strength training. Through lecture/lab, students will learn about the neuromuscular, biomechanical, and metabolic aspects of muscular strength/conditioning programs for various athletic/non-athletic populations. After this course students will have sufficient knowledge to pursue certifications as: personal trainer; strength/conditioning specialist. Course Information: Prerequisites: EXR 222 or BIO 201 & 202.

EXR 411. Undergraduate Research. 1-6 Hours.

An investigation of a specific problem that is directed and reviewed by a faculty member. At the conclusion, the student will write a scientific report and make a professional presentation evaluated by the faculty. Course Information: May be repeated with approval.

EXR 412. Exercise Management for Special Populations. 3 Hours.

This course helps students understand the special needs of individuals with chronic disease, disabilities, or special health issues. It includes a review of basic principles of exercise testing and prescription, and builds on that foundation. Various conditions will be examined to provide valuable insight on management of these health needs, including diabetes, pregnancy, heart disease, asthma, and many more. Course Information: Prerequisites: EXR 331.

EXR 451. Exercise Testing and Prescription. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to give students additional fitness testing and exercise prescription experience inside and outside of the classroom. The application of both laboratory and field-based tests (fitness assessments) will be covered in lectures and practice sessions. Students will demonstrate proficiency in assessment techniques and implement prescriptions of skills and health-related fitness components. Course Information: Prerequisites: EXR 375. (Note: students may be required to travel to off-campus sites to complete course experiences.).

EXR 480. Topics in Exercise Science. 3 Hours.

Selected topics of special interest in Exercise Science. Interdisciplinary topic is reflected in class title in each semester scheduled. Description of topics will be available in Department office. May be repeated if topics vary.

EXR 483. Seminar in Exercise Science. 3 Hours.

A capstone course providing an overview of contemporary and often controversial health issues with analysis of selected problems of current concern in Exercise Science. Course Information: Prerequisites: Senior EXR major; or permission of instructor.

EXR 498. Senior Exit Assessment. 0 Hours.

In the graduating semester of the EXR program, all students will complete this requirement to evaluate their undergraduate-level knowledge within the discipline and provide valuable feedback which will be used for assessment, program enhancement, and potential curricular changes. Course Information: Credit/No Credit grading only. Prerequisites/corequisite: EXR 483.