Geographic Information Systems Minor

To earn a minor in Geographic Information Systems, students must complete a minimum of 17 credit hours, including three core courses and a minimum of two elective courses. Students are expected to meet with an ENS academic advisor before beginning the minor. 400-level courses counted toward an undergraduate degree cannot be taken again and counted for credit toward a graduate degree at UIS.

Substitutions for any of these courses require a Student Petition and the approval of the GIS Director and the ENS Program Lead. 


Required Core Courses
ENS 304Mapping our Physical and Social World3
ENS 404Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems4
ENS 405Fundamentals of Remote Sensing4
Electives (Choose two from this list)6
Restoration Ecology
Global Change Ecology
Conservation Biology
Computer Programming Concepts I
Discrete Structures
Statistical Methods
Data-driven Modeling and Numerical Simulation
Operations Research Methods
Principles of Management Information Systems
Data and Information Management
Global Public Health: Population, Poverty and Pollution
Epidemiology - Science of Disease Discovery
ECCE: Emerging Diseases
Total Hours17