Science of the Environment Concentration

The purpose of the Science of the Environment concentration is to prepare science majors for the study of our natural environment and how to solve the relevant problems facing it. Students are required to complete 19-20 hours of course work (research included) to fulfill the requirements for the Science of the Environment concentration. This is in addition to those courses required for the student’s major (see exceptions in the IMPORTANT NOTE below).


Life Science Selection
Select one of the following:4
Aquatic Ecology
Biology Of Water Pollution
Restoration Ecology
Global Change Ecology
Conservation Biology
Physical Science Selection
Select one of the following:4
Chemical Analysis
Environmental Chemistry
Our Changing Climate 1
Environmental Geology
Techniques Courses
Select two of the following:7-8
Topics in Biology
Bioanalytical Chemistry
Instrumental Analysis
Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
Research Course
BIO 400ECCE: Undergraduate Research 24
Total Hours19-20

Students must select the four-hour option of this course to meet concentration requirements. 


This must be taken in an environmentally-related research project. Students should consult with their advisor about on-going projects. Internships may also satisfy the research requirement.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Students may not use a major course requirement to satisfy a concentration requirement (or vice versa), with the following exceptions:

  • BIO 402– Biology Honors track students may count BIO 402 toward their Honors in Biology, as well as toward the concentration requirements.

  • BIO 400– Biology majors can use BIO 400 toward their Honors in Biology.

  • BIO Elective – Biology majors may use their “Life Science” selection from the concentration to satisfy their Biology elective requirement.