Management Minor
MGT 310. Managing Organizational Behavior. 3 Hours.
(CBM Core Course) Examines and analyzes the organization and the organizational environment as a social system. The impact of its various components on individuals and groups within the organization will also be considered. Topics include individual differences, perceptions, attitudes, emotions, motivation, performance, job design, culture, innovation, change, strategy and structure, and leadership. Course Information: Enrollment requires completion of at least 48 hours of college level coursework.
MGT 330. Business and Managerial Communication. 3 Hours.
Application of business and managerial communication skills necessary for leadership and success in organizations. Students will examine features of organizational communication processes and verbal/nonverbal communication. Construction and evaluation of written communication in business contexts, social media, and oral presentations with an emphasis on analysis, data representation, and evidence-based arguments will be practiced. Course Information: Same as: COM 331.
MGT 371. Social Responsibility and Ethics: Corporate and Public. 3 Hours.
Theories and applications of social responsibility and ethical issues related to the corporate, governmental, and nonprofit sectors. Areas covered include consumerism, ecology, labor relations, diversity, government regulations, philanthropy, and stockholder/stakeholder relations. Course Information: Prerequisites: MGT 310 or equivalent.
MGT 390. Topics in Management. 1-4 Hours.
Each topic covers a different managerial concept and may include an intensive workshop. May be repeated for an indefinite number of hours, but particular topics must differ.
MGT 422. Negotiation. 3 Hours.
Theories and applications of negotiation as related to conflict resolution between individuals within organizations. Examines how people think about, approach, and behave in negotiations. Examines common biases in planning and negotiation behavior and decision making, issues negotiating interpersonally between groups vs. between individuals, methods of influence used in negotiations, and best practices. Simulation activity fees may be required. Course Information: Prerequisites: MGT 310 or equivalent.
MGT 431. Human Resource Management. 3 Hours.
Theories and applications of the leadership and development of people in organizations. Topics include human resource planning, recruitment, selection, orientation, training, career development, performance appraisal, compensation, incentives, union-management relations, ethics, diversity, and succession planning. Course Information: Prerequisites: MGT 310 or equivalent or graduate level standing.
MGT 444. ECCE: Work, Family and Community: A U. S. Perspective. 3 Hours.
This course is designed to examine and debate critical challenges facing individuals, families, employers and communities in managing the changing demands of work, family and life. (Family is construed broadly to include all significant non-work relationships.) Gender, socio-economic, legal public policy, corporate and individual perspectives will be considered. Course Information: This course fulfills an Engaged Citizenship Common Experience requirement at UIS in the area of U.S. Communities.
MGT 461. Organization Theory. 3 Hours.
Theories and applications of organization theory relative to the design of organizational structure. Topics include organizational analysis, structure, culture, technology, organization size and life cycle, mechanistic and organic organizations, organizational effectiveness, measuring organizational performance, conflict, power, politics, external environment, ethics, and diversity. Course Information: Prerequisites: MGT 310 or equivalent.
MGT 471. Human Resources Planning and Staffing. 3 Hours.
Addresses organizational analysis, job analysis and its impact on other HR functions (i.e. recruitment, and selection, performance appraisal, compensation), determining employee staffing levels, recruitment processes and sources to maximize the number of qualified applicants for positions, and effective selection techniques. Course Information: Same as BUS 471. Prerequisites: MGT 431, or instructor approval.
MGT 472. Compensation and Benefit Strategies. 3 Hours.
Exploration of total compensation in support of organizational strategy. Evaluation of components of total compensation with respect to whether they appropriately influence behavior in light of four questions. Do people join an organization because of pay? Do people stay or leave because of pay? Do people perform better because of pay? Do people more readily agree to develop relevant job skills because of pay? Course Information: Same as BUS 472. Prerequisites: MGT 431 or instructor approval.
MGT 473. Employee Appraisal and Development. 3 Hours.
Examines processes by which organizations and managers provide feedback and develop employee talents to their maximum potential. Topics include needs assessment, employee performance appraisal, career planning, and training. Course Information: Same as BUS 473. Prerequisites: MGT 431 or instructor approval.
MGT 474. Leadership and Motivation. 3 Hours.
Major leadership theories, characteristics of leaders, leadership styles, delegation, decision-making, communication, and subordinate development examined. Motivational methods and techniques studied as potential tools for those assuming leadership roles. Course Information: Prerequisites: MGT 310 or equivalent.
MGT 475. People Analytics. 3 Hours.
Identify insights from HR data/analysis. Review HR data, explore fundamental questions that drive the analytical process, utilize basic statistical techniques for analyzing HRM data. Taking this further, students will mindfully interpret findings, looking beyond data as they take a holistic view of their HRM situations. Through a course project, students will compose a presentation to visualize essential HR data and communicate findings to key stake-holders.
MGT 485. International Management. 3 Hours.
Gives a perspective of the global marketplace, compares the management of similar companies in different nations, analyzes public/private sector relationships, and examines the social and economic impact of various internal and external cross-border issues. Course Information: Prerequisites: MGT 310 or equivalent.
MGT 488. Strategic Management: The Capstone. 3 Hours.
(CBM Core Course) This course integrates concepts from CBM core courses to study key issues facing top managers and management teams. Students will analyze industry environments, evaluate sources of competitive advantage and develop business and corporate level strategies using case studies. Course Information: Prerequisites: All college core courses and within 12 hours of graduation or during the student's last semester.
MGT 490. Topics in Managerial Concepts and Skills. 1-4 Hours.
Each topic covers a different managerial concept and includes an intensive workshop. Course Information: Prerequisites: MGT 310 or equivalent. May be repeated for an indefinite number of hours, but particular topics must differ.
MGT 499. Tutorial In Management. 1-4 Hours.
Intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or her. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours.
MGT 531. Acquiring and Developing Talent. 3 Hours.
Beginning with a strategic overview of the organization, this course will use concepts and tools involving organizational analysis, job analysis, workforce planning, recruitment strategies and selection techniques to effectively acquire and develop talent. Employment law within the legal and social context of the organization and organizational entry transition issues will also be examined.
MGT 532. Performance Management. 3 Hours.
Examination of key human resource concepts and tools that enhance organizational performance. Topics covered include: performance management, employee training and development, employee and labor relations, managing diverse organizations, total compensation, and risk management (occupational health, safety, and security).
MGT 534. International Human Resource Management. 3 Hours.
This course explores culture, sourcing HR for global markets, international training and development, compensation and benefits across countries, international organizations and their structures, international assignment management, and the legal and regulatory considerations faced by global organizations. Course Information: Prerequisites: BUS 551.
MGT 535. Organizational Change and Development. 3 Hours.
This course explores organizational design and development. It also includes the change management process and how specifically human resource professionals play a role in organizational change. The course starts by explaining the change management process and the ethical obligations of HR. It then investigates different interventions at the organizational, department, team, and individual level before focusing on HR change management interventions.
MGT 536. Human Resource Analytics. 3 Hours.
This course examines tools and techniques for data analysis to inform human resource management (HRM) decision-making. Conceptual models and statistical techniques for HRM data analytics will be applied to core HRM areas including workforce recruitment, selection, training, employee engagement, performance management, and interventions for evidence-based HR strategies. Course Information: Prerequisites: ECO 213 and MGT 551.
MGT 537. Labor Relations & Resolutions. 3 Hours.
This course explores the history, laws, and current environment of labor relations in the U.S. Students will also learn about employee rights and engagement, as well as how labor relations negotiations and conflict resolutions work to ensure a balanced relationship between the union and management to ensure employee productivity.
MGT 538. Strategic Human Resource Management Closure. 3 Hours.
Beginning with the process of aligning human resource and business strategies, this course considers the overall design of the human resource management infrastructure to enable optimal employee performance relative to the strategic goals of the organization. Topics considered include globalization, outsourcing, change management, leadership, team building, and communication skills. Consideration will also be given to differences in HRM strategy related to the size and lifecycle of the organization. Course Information: Prerequisites: MGT 431 or BUS 541 or equivalent.
MGT 539. HRM Strategy Continuing Enrollment. 0 Hours.
MGT 538 is the graduate closure course consistent with campus policy on completion of a master's degree. This policy requires that students not completing MGT 538 must continue to enroll in MGT 539 (zero credit hours, one billable) each subsequent semester until the course requirements are met. Course Information: Credit/No Credit grading only. Prerequisites: MGT 538 must be taken during the student's final semester before graduation.
MGT 550. Entrepreneurship. 3 Hours.
This course focuses on how opportunities are created, discovered and recognized. Students are introduced to the concepts of "entrepreneurial thinking" and entrepreneurial decision making in both pre-venture stages and also in established firms to build a foundation of study in the area of entrepreneurship. Course Information: Prerequisites: BUS 501 or equivalent.
MGT 551. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. 3 Hours.
Operational approach to managing people at work, drawing from behavioral sciences. Builds on the concept of reconciliation and integration of worker-organizational interests through supportive situation-oriented leadership by both line and staff managers. Focuses on emerging issues and concepts relating to management of human resources of an organization. Course Information: Restricted to Graduate and Doctoral - Springfield and Graduate - Peoria.
MGT 555. Small Business and Family Business Management. 3 Hours.
This course explores the role of small business and family businesses (including franchising) in the economy. Topics include: distinctive characteristics of managing small business, issues in marketing finance and sustaining the growth of small business, unique characteristics of family business, family business succession and nurturing entrepreneurship beyond the first generation. Course Information: Prerequisites: BUS 501 or equivalent.
MGT 572. Managing Compensation and Benefits. 3 Hours.
Exploration of total compensation in support of organizational strategy. Evaluation of components of compensation and benefit systems with respect to how they influence employee behavior. Examines different philosophies of motivation and valuation of human capital. Course Information: Prerequisites: MGT 431 or BUS 551 or equivalent.
MGT 575. HRM Information Systems. 3 Hours.
Examine HR information concepts, systems, technologies, & practices in organizations, including systems security, privacy & legal implications. Apply HR systems to performance management, compensation/benefits, planning/recruiting, employment relations, talent management, & enterprise computing needs. Needs analysis, selection, evaluation & implementation to choose an appropriate solution will be examined. Course Information: Prerequisites: BUS 551.