Finance Minor
FIN 302. Principles of Financial Management. 3 Hours.
Introduction to the analysis of financial operations, decision processes, and analytic tools used in the financial management of the business enterprise. Provides special attention to areas of capital budgeting, cost of capital, ethical issues, investment decisions, and working capital management. (CBM Core Course) Course Information: Prerequisites: ACC 211 and ACC 212, or ACC 311; ECO 213 or MAT 121; ECO 201 and ECO 202 or ECO 315.
FIN 440. Topics in Finance. 1-3 Hours.
Each topic covers a different finance concept and may include an intensive workshop. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisites: FIN 302, or equivalent.
FIN 443. Financial Investment Analysis. 3 Hours.
Elements of an "ideal" investment and examination and testing of specific investment securities. Considers alternative approaches to management of stock and fixed-income security portfolios. Problems and cases are assigned for analysis. Course Information: Prerequisites: FIN 302, or equivalent.
FIN 444. Intermediate Financial Management. 3 Hours.
Covers finance from the viewpoint of the financial manager, introducing and using financial theory and case studies to explore risk management, financial policy, financial statement analysis, ratio analysis, capital budgeting-investment decisions, capital structure, capital acquisition, and asset pricing. Will cover some topics also covered in introductory financial management but in greater depth. Course Information: Prerequisites: FIN 302.
FIN 445. Financial Institution Management. 3 Hours.
Introduction to the financial management of financial institutions. Provides broad knowledge and skills in the practices of commercial bank, pension fund, thrift, insurance, and finance company management. An analysis of the nature, purposes, and objectives of the American financial system is stressed. Topics also include "nonbanks" and financial regulation/deregulation. Course Information: Prerequisites: FIN 302.
FIN 499. Tutorial in Finance. 1-4 Hours.
Intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or her. Independent directed study. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours.
FIN 502. Managerial Finance. 3 Hours.
Discussion of fundamentals of financial management. Topics include financial forecasting, capital budgeting, leverage, valuation, cost of capital market and related legal/ethical issues. Course Information: Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ACC 311 or equivalent and ECO 315 or equivalent, BUS 501 (for MBA students only) and FIN 302 or other introductory finance course (for MS in Finance students only).
FIN 505. Investments. 3 Hours.
Analysis of timing, instruments, and choices available to financial investors. Shows the investment network that facilitates the efforts of individual investors, security analysts, portfolio managers and the organized markets. Current regulations and investor safeguards are also reviewed. Course Information: Prerequisites: FIN 302 or other introductory finance course, or BUS 501 (for MBA students only).
FIN 510. Topics In Finance. 3 Hours.
Advanced study in specific topics, to be announced when offered. Course Information: May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisites: FIN 302 or other introductory finance course, or BUS 501 (for MBA students only).
FIN 513. Financial Markets and Institutions. 3 Hours.
Evaluation of US and international financial institutions (FI) and markets. Develop qualitative and quantitative analysis of financial market structures, and decision-making in the financial industry. Focus on estimating the valuation of FIs in market environment, applying value-based management into FI operations, and controlling risk that might jeopardize market values of financial assets. Course Information: Prerequisites: FIN 302 or other introductory finance course.
FIN 514. Personal Financial Planning. 3 Hours.
Development of skills for making comprehensive financial plans in accordance with individual and household financial objectives that include return expectations, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs. Learn to design, implement and monitor decisions in personal financial plans.
FIN 515. Financial Analytics and Budgeting. 3 Hours.
Development of skills to process data, model and analyze financial topics. Covered topics include financial statement analysis, valuation, forecasting, and budgeting preparation based on analytics results. Use applied software programs such as Excel to produce 3-statement integration, sensitivity and scenario analysis, Monte Carlo simulation and other financial spreadsheet models. Course Information: Prerequisites: FIN 505.
FIN 516. Introduction to Financial Psychology. 3 Hours.
Evaluation of psychological effects on financial decision making. Introduce principles and develop skillsets that are needed for financial planning, financial coaching, and financial therapy to help individuals, families, and business owners meet their financial goals.
FIN 517. Applied Behavioral Finance. 3 Hours.
Development of skills applied in technical analysis (TA) of market trends, trader psychology, and investment planning. Reviews the TA methodology and investor crowd psychology. Evaluates the effects of human emotions, market mood and cognitive errors on asset trading behaviors. Course Information: Prerequisites: FIN 505 or FIN 516.
FIN 518. Closure Assessment. 0 Hours.
Assessment of the achievement of the learning objectives of the MS in Finance for graduating students. The closure exam assesses students' knowledge and abilities gained in the core courses of the program. FIN 518 must be taken during the student's final semester prior to graduation. Course Information: Credit/No Credit grading only.
FIN 519. Finance Closure Assessment Continuous Enrollment. 0 Hours.
FIN 518 is the graduate closure course consistent with campus policy on completion of a master's degree This policy requires that students not completing FIN 518 must continue to enroll in FIN 519 (zero credit hours, one billable) each subsequent semester until the course requirements are met.
FIN 556. Entrepreneurial Finance. 3 Hours.
Analysis of financing of new ventures beginning from start-up stage to IPO stage. Emphasis is placed on the choice of financing to the entrepreneur in addition to the details of venture capital financing for the perspective of venture capitalists. Topics include: working capital and cash flow objectives, valuation methods, risk adoption, and risk dispersion. Course Information: Prerequisites: FIN 302 or other introductory finance course, or BUS 501 (for MBA students only).
FIN 599. Tutorial in Finance. 1-4 Hours.
Intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or her. Independent directed study. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours.