

MKT 378. Business Analytics. 3 Hours.

Analysis of data considering its environment for decision making. Includes modern business analytic tools to enhance data skills on domains for extracting insights for business analysis. Course Information: Prerequisites: ECO 213 or MAT 121.

MKT 430. Topics in Marketing. 3 Hours.

Each topic covers a different marketing concept and may include an intensive workshop. May be repeated for an indefinite number of hours, but particular topics must vary. Course Information: Prerequisites: BUS 312 or equivalent.

MKT 431. Consumer Behavior. 3 Hours.

Marketers, public policy makers, and individuals need to understand consumers' decisions related to the acquisition, consumption, and disposition of goods, services, activities, experiences, people, and ideas. Using knowledge from economics, psychology, social psychology, anthropology, and sociology, students will understand the main theories related to consumer behavior and apply them to marketing strategy and tactics. Students will also learn about the academic and professional steps required to have a successful career in diverse consumer behavior fields. Course Information: Same as BUS 411. Prerequisites: BUS 312 or equivalent.

MKT 432. Research Methods and Analytics in Marketing. 3 Hours.

Develops qualitative and quantitative research skills from defining the problem, data collection and analysis to reporting results. Students will learn to use various analytical tools used in industry (e.g. SPSS and SPSS modeler) to help them prepare for careers such as Marketing and Business analyst. Course Information: Same as BUS 432. Prerequisites: ECO 213 or equivalent statistics course and BUS 312 or equivalent.

MKT 434. Brand Management. 3 Hours.

In this course, students learn how to make decisions regarding market segments and the marketing mix (i.e., product, price, promotion, and distribution). Students will learn to analyze and utilize studies regarding market segments and competitive conditions. Course Information: Same as BUS 434. Prerequisite: BUS 312 or equivalent.

MKT 435. Sales Force Management and Professional Selling. 3 Hours.

A study of principles and practices of managing a sales force including recruitment, motivation, direction, and control of the sales force. Understanding the theory and practice of professional selling. Course Information: Same as BUS 435. Prerequisites: BUS 312 or equivalent.

MKT 436. Marketing Promotions. 3 Hours.

In-depth study of the major concepts in the promotional aspect of marketing management. Particular emphasis is placed on the elements of the promotion mix (i.e., personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, advertising, public relations/publicity) as well as the promotion planning process and the development of promotion strategy, a vitally important element of an organization's marketing promotions. Course Information: Same as BUS 436. Prerequisites: BUS 312 or equivalent.

MKT 437. Advertising. 3 Hours.

Advertising presents an overview of the basic theories, concepts, and practices that constitute contemporary advertising from the point of view of the advertiser, consumers, and society in general. Student will learn the historical, legal, societal, and regulatory aspects of advertising, as well as the relationship between marketing, advertising, and other marketing communication tools. Students will learn the abilities required to prepare a strategic advertising plan. Course Information: Same as BUS 412. Prerequisites: BUS 312 or equivalent.

MKT 438. International Marketing. 3 Hours.

International Marketing was developed to provide students with the background for making marketing decisions in the international business environment and to develop their capacity to assess and solve international marketing problems.

MKT 439. Retail Management and Analytics. 3 Hours.

Development of skills that will help students get exposed to the types of decisions facing retailers, thus providing foundation for those interested in pursuing a retail career as a merchandise buyer, store manager, or running a small retail business. Includes various tools like analytics, retail anthropology that are currently used in the industry.

MKT 441. Marketing Analytics. 3 Hours.

Introduction to marketing analytics. This course includes description and application of analytical tools to summarize and analyze market data to generate marketing insights and predictive model and the use of advanced statistical software. Course Information: Prerequisites: BUS 312.

MKT 499. Tutorial in Marketing. 1-4 Hours.

Intended to supplement, not supplant, regular course offerings. Students interested in a tutorial must secure the consent of the faculty member concerned before registration and submit any required documentation to him or her. Course Information: May be repeated to a maximum of 4 hours if topics vary.