Campus Connections


Visit the UIS online directory to search by faculty/staff name, department, or phone number. You can also call 217-206-6600 to speak with the campus operator during regular business hours.

In the event of an emergency call the Campus Police 217-206-7777. Non-emergency calls should be directed to 217-206-6690. The Campus Police department is located in PDB 1.

Campus Map

Visit the UIS website for a map of the UIS campus.


A key to the academic building abbreviations is as follows:

BRK Brookens Library
BSB Business Services Building
FRH Founders Residence Hall
HRB Human Resources Building
HSB Health and Science Building
PAC Public Affairs Center
PDB Police Department Building
REC Recreation & Athletics Center (also TRAC)
SAB Student Affairs Building
SLB Student Life Building
UHB University Hall Building
UNION Student Union